 * Author: SilentSpike
 * Handles spectator interface events
 * Arguments:
 * 0: Event name <STRING>
 * 1: Event arguments <ANY>
 * Return Value:
 * None <NIL>
 * Example:
 * ["onLoad",_this] call ace_spectator_fnc_handleInterface
 * Public: No

#include "script_component.hpp"

params ["_mode",["_args",[]]];

switch (toLower _mode) do {
    // Safely open/close the interface
    case "open": {
        // Prevent reopening
        if !(isNull (GETUVAR(GVAR(display),displayNull))) exitWith {};

        // Initalize camera variables
        GVAR(camBoom) = [false,false];
        GVAR(camDolly) = [false,false,false,false];
        GVAR(camGun) = false;

        // Initalize display variables
        GVAR(ctrlKey) = false;
        GVAR(mouse) = [false,false];
        GVAR(mousePos) = [0.5,0.5];

        // Initalize the camera view
        GVAR(camera) = "Camera" camCreate GVAR(camPos);
        [] call FUNC(transitionCamera);

        // Create the dialog
        createDialog QGVAR(interface);

        // Cache and disable nametag settings
        if (["ace_nametags"] call EFUNC(common,isModLoaded)) then {
            GVAR(nametagSettingCache) = [EGVAR(nametags,showPlayerNames), EGVAR(nametags,showNamesForAI)];
            EGVAR(nametags,showPlayerNames) = 0;
            EGVAR(nametags,showNamesForAI) = false;
    case "close": {
        // Can't close a second time
        if (isNull (GETUVAR(GVAR(display),displayNull))) exitWith {};

        // Terminate interface
        (GETUVAR(GVAR(display),displayNull)) closeDisplay 0;

        // Terminate camera
        GVAR(camera) cameraEffect ["terminate", "back"];
        camDestroy GVAR(camera);

        // Return to player view
        ACE_Player switchCamera "internal";

        // Cleanup camera variables
        GVAR(camera) = nil;
        GVAR(camBoom) = nil;
        GVAR(camDolly) = nil;
        GVAR(camGun) = nil;

        // Cleanup display variables
        GVAR(ctrlKey) = nil;
        GVAR(mouse) = nil;
        GVAR(mousePos) = nil;

        // Reset nametag settings
        if (["ace_nametags"] call EFUNC(common,isModLoaded)) then {
            EGVAR(nametags,showPlayerNames) = GVAR(nametagSettingCache) select 0;
            EGVAR(nametags,showNamesForAI) = GVAR(nametagSettingCache) select 1;
            GVAR(nametagSettingCache) = nil;
    // Dialog events
    case "onload": {
        _args params ["_display"];

        with uiNamespace do {
            GVAR(display) = _display;

        // Always show interface and hide map upon opening
        [_display,nil,nil,!GVAR(showInterface),GVAR(showMap)] call FUNC(toggleInterface);

        // Keep unit tree up to date
        [FUNC(handleUnits), 21, _display] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;

        // Handle the compass heading
        [FUNC(handleCompass), 0, _display] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;

        // Handle the toolbar values
        [FUNC(handleToolbar), 0, _display] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;

        // Hacky way to enable keybindings
        //_display displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", {[_this,'keyup'] call CBA_events_fnc_keyHandler}];
        //_display displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", {[_this,'keydown'] call CBA_events_fnc_keyHandler}];
    case "onunload": {
        with uiNamespace do {
            GVAR(display) = nil;

        GVAR(camHandler) = nil;
    // Mouse events
    case "onmousebuttondown": {
        _args params ["_ctrl","_button"];
        GVAR(mouse) set [_button,true];

        // Detect right click
        if ((_button == 1) && (GVAR(camMode) == 1)) then {
            // In first person toggle sights mode
            GVAR(gunCam) = !GVAR(gunCam);
            [] call FUNC(transitionCamera);
    case "onmousebuttonup": {
        _args params ["_ctrl","_button"];

        GVAR(mouse) set [_button,false];
    case "onmousezchanged": {
        _args params ["_ctrl","_zChange"];

        // Scroll to change speed, modifier for zoom
        if (GVAR(ctrlKey)) then {
            GVAR(camZoom) = ((GVAR(camZoom) + _zChange * 0.1) max 0.01) min 2;
        } else {
            GVAR(camSpeed) = (GVAR(camSpeed) + _zChange * 0.2) max 0.05;
    case "onmousemoving": {
        _args params ["_ctrl","_x","_y"];

        [_x,_y] call FUNC(handleMouse);
    // Keyboard events
    case "onkeydown": {
        _args params ["_display","_dik","_shift","_ctrl","_alt"];

        switch (_dik) do {
            case 1: { // Esc
               [player,false] call FUNC(setSpectator); // Handle esc menu goes here, currently closes for purposes of testing
            case 2: { // 1
                [_display,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,true] call FUNC(toggleInterface);
            case 3: { // 2
                [_display,nil,nil,nil,nil,true] call FUNC(toggleInterface);
            case 4: { // 3
                [_display,true] call FUNC(toggleInterface);
            case 14: { // Backspace
                [_display,nil,nil,true] call FUNC(toggleInterface);
            case 16: { // Q
                GVAR(camBoom) set [0,true];
            case 17: { // W
                GVAR(camDolly) set [0,true];
            case 29: { // Ctrl
                GVAR(ctrlKey) = true;
            case 30: { // A
                GVAR(camDolly) set [2,true];
            case 31: { // S
                GVAR(camDolly) set [1,true];
            case 32: { // D
                GVAR(camDolly) set [3,true];
            case 35: { // H
                [_display,nil,true] call FUNC(toggleInterface);
            case 44: { // Z
                GVAR(camBoom) set [1,true];
            case 49: { // N
                [nil,nil,1] call FUNC(cycleCamera);
            case 50: { // M
                [_display,nil,nil,nil,true] call FUNC(toggleInterface);
                (_display displayCtrl IDC_MAP) ctrlMapAnimAdd [0, 0.5, [GVAR(camUnit),GVAR(camera)] select (GVAR(camMode) == 0)];
                ctrlMapAnimCommit  (_display displayCtrl IDC_MAP);
            case 57: { // Spacebar
                // Freecam attachment here, if in external then set cam pos and attach
            case 200: { // Up arrow
                [-1] call FUNC(cycleCamera);
            case 203: { // Left arrow

            case 205: { // Right arrow

            case 208: { // Down arrow
                [1] call FUNC(cycleCamera);

    case "onkeyup": {
        _args params ["_display","_dik","_shift","_ctrl","_alt"];

        switch (_dik) do {
            case 16: { // Q
                GVAR(camBoom) set [0,false];
            case 17: { // W
                GVAR(camDolly) set [0,false];
            case 29: { // Ctrl
                GVAR(ctrlKey) = false;
            case 30: { // A
                GVAR(camDolly) set [2,false];
            case 31: { // S
                GVAR(camDolly) set [1,false];
            case 32: { // D
                GVAR(camDolly) set [3,false];
            case 44: { // Z
                GVAR(camBoom) set [1,false];

    // Tree events
    case "ontreedblclick": {
        // Update camera view when listbox unit is double clicked on
        _args params ["_tree","_sel"];

        // Ensure a unit was selected
        if (count _sel == 3) then {
            private ["_netID","_newUnit","_newMode"];
            _netID = (_args select 0) tvData _sel;
            _newUnit = objectFromNetId _netID;

            // When unit is reselected, toggle camera mode
            if (_newUnit == GVAR(camUnit) || GVAR(camMode) == 0) then {
                _newMode = [2,2,1] select GVAR(camMode);

            if (_newMode in GVAR(availableModes)) then {
                [_newMode,_newUnit] call FUNC(transitionCamera);
    case "onunitsupdate": {
        _args params ["_tree"];
        private ["_curSelData","_cachedGrps","_grp","_sNode","_gNode","_uNode"];

        // Cache current selection
        _curSelData = _tree tvData (tvCurSel _tree);

        // Clear the tree
        tvClear _tree;

        // Add side nodes
            _tree tvAdd [[], _x];
            _tree tvExpand [_forEachIndex];
        } forEach ["West","East","Resistance","Civilian","Unknown"];

        // Update the tree from the unit list
        _cachedGrps = [];
            _grp = group _x;

            // Use correct side node
            _sNode = [west,east,resistance,civilian] find (side _grp);
            if (_sNode == -1) then { _sNode = 4 };

            // Use correct group node
            if !(_grp in _cachedGrps) then {
                // Add group node
                _gNode = _tree tvAdd [[_sNode], groupID _grp];

                _cachedGrps pushBack _grp;
                _cachedGrps pushBack _gNode;
            } else {
                // If group already processed, use existing node
                _gNode = _cachedGrps select ((_cachedGrps find _grp) + 1);

            _uNode = _tree tvAdd [[_sNode,_gNode], name _x];
            _tree tvSetData [[_sNode,_gNode,_uNode], netID _x];

            // Preserve the previous selection
            if (_curSelData == (_tree tvData [_sNode,_gNode,_uNode])) then {
                _tree tvSetCurSel [_sNode,_gNode,_uNode];

            _tree tvSort [[_sNode,_gNode],false];
            _tree tvExpand [_sNode,_gNode];
        } forEach GVAR(unitList);

        { _tree tvSort [[_x], false]; } forEach [0,1,2,3,4];
    // Map events
    case "onmapdblclick": {
        _args params ["_map","_button","_x","_y","_shift","_ctrl"];

        if (GVAR(camMode == 0) && (_button == 0) && _ctrl) then {
            _newPos = _map ctrlMapScreenToWorld [_x,_y];
            _newPos set [2, GVAR(camPos) select 2];
            GVAR(camPos) = _newPos;