layout: wiki
title: FCS (Fire Control System)
description: Fire control system for armoured vehicles and helicopters.
category: equipment
group: feature
parent: wiki
mod: ace
  major: 3
  minor: 0
  patch: 0
redirect_from: "/wiki/feature/laser-selfdesignate.html"

## 1. Overview

### 1.1 Fire control system
Offers a custom fire control system for tanks and helicopters. It enables engaging stationary and moving targets.

### 1.2 Manual lasing targets
Changes the default rangefinders, including those in vehicles, to require manual lasing.

### 1.3 Air burst ammunition
Anti air cannons can now use airburst ammunition. It will explode on the FCS' zeroed in range.

## 2. Usage

### 2.1 Engaging moving targets
- Place the crosshair on the enemy vehicle.
- Press and hold <kbd>Tab&nbsp;↹</kbd> (ACE 3 default key bind `Lock Target [Hold]`) and follow the target for about 2 seconds.
- Release <kbd>Tab&nbsp;↹</kbd>.
- The optic is now adjusted sideways to ensure a hit.

### 2.2 Ranging stationary targets
- Place the crosshair on the object to range.
- Tap <kbd>Tab&nbsp;↹</kbd>
- The optic is now adjusted.

## 3. Dependencies

{% include dependencies_list.md component="fcs" %}