#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: Jaynus, NouberNou, Lambda.Tiger, * This function creates spalling if the hit slowed the projectile speed down enough. * * Arguments: * Arguments are the same as BI's "HitPart" EH: * https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#HitPart * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [BIS_HITPART_EH_ARGS] call ace_frag_fnc_doSpall; * * Public: No */ #define GLUE(g1,g2) g1##g2 TRACE_1("doSpall",_this); params ["_projectile", "_objectHit", "_lastPosASL", "_lastVelocity", "_surfaceNorm", "_surfaceType", "_ammo", "_shotParents", "_vectorUp"]; if (CBA_missionTime < GVAR(nextSpallAllowTime) || {isNull _objectHit} || {_lastPosASL isEqualTo [0,0,0]} || {_ammo isEqualTo ""} || {_objectHit isKindOf "CAManBase"}) exitWith { TRACE_4("time/invalidHit",CBA_missionTime,GVAR(nextSpallAllowTime),_objectHit,_lastPosASL); }; private _material = [_surfaceType] call FUNC(getMaterialInfo); if (_material == "ground") then { #ifdef DEBUG_MODE_FULL systemChat "ground spall"; #endif }; // Find spall speed / fragment info [_ammo] call FUNC(getSpallInfo) params ["_caliber", "_explosive", "_indirectHit"]; private _vel = if (alive _projectile) then { _explosive = 0; // didn't explode since it's alive a frame later velocity _projectile } else { [0, 0, 0] }; private _velocityChange = 0 max (vectorMagnitude _lastVelocity - vectorMagnitude _vel); /* * This is all fudge factor since real spalling is too complex for calculation. * There are two terms. The first is from round impact, taking a quasi scale * of sqrt(2)/50 * round caliber * srqt(change in speed). The second term is * explosive * indirect hit, for any explosive contribution */ private _spallPower = (ACE_FRAG_ROUND_COEF * _caliber * sqrt _velocityChange + _explosive * _indirectHit) * GVAR(spallIntensity); TRACE_3("found speed",_velocityChange,_caliber,_spallPower); if (_spallPower < 2) exitWith { TRACE_1("lowImpulse",_ammo); }; private _lastVelocityNorm = vectorNormalized _lastVelocity; private _deltaStep = _lastVelocityNorm vectorMultiply 0.05; if (terrainIntersectASL [_lastPosASL vectorAdd _deltaStep, _lastPosASL]) exitWith { TRACE_2("terrainIntersect",_lastPosASL,_deltaStep); }; #ifdef DEBUG_MODE_DRAW if GVAR(dbgSphere) then { [_lastPosASL vectorAdd _lastVelocityNorm, "orange"] call FUNC(dev_sphereDraw); [_lastPosASL, "yellow"] call FUNC(dev_sphereDraw); }; #endif /* * Improve performance of finding otherside of object on shallow angle * impacts. 120 degrees due to 90 degree offset with _lastVelocityNorm into object. */ private _spallPosASL = _lastPosASL vectorAdd _deltaStep; if (120 > acos (_lastVelocityNorm vectorDotProduct _surfaceNorm)) then { _spallPosASL = _spallPosASL vectorAdd (_deltaStep vectorMultiply 5); }; private _insideObject = true; for "_i" from 2 to 21 do { private _nextPos = _spallPosASL vectorAdd _deltaStep; if (!lineIntersects [_spallPosASL, _nextPos]) then { _spallPosASL = _nextPos vectorAdd (_deltaStep vectorMultiply 2); _insideObject = false; break }; _spallPosASL = _nextPos; }; if (_insideObject) exitWith { TRACE_3("insideObj",_lastPosASL,_spallPosASL,alive _projectile); }; // Passed all exitWiths GVAR(nextSpallAllowTime) = CBA_missionTime + ACE_FRAG_SPALL_HOLDOFF; #ifdef DEBUG_MODE_DRAW if GVAR(dbgSphere) then { [_spallPosASL, "green"] call FUNC(dev_sphereDraw); }; #endif private _spawnSize = switch (true) do { case (_spallPower < 3): {"_spall_tiny"}; case (_spallPower < 5): {"_spall_small"}; case (_spallPower < 8): {"_spall_medium"}; case (_spallPower < 12): {"_spall_large"} ; default {"_spall_huge"}; }; private _spallSpawner = createVehicle [ QUOTE(GLUE(ADDON,_)) + _material + _spawnSize, ASLToATL _spallPosASL, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; _spallSpawner setVectorDirandUp [_lastVelocityNorm, _vectorUp]; _spallSpawner setVelocity (_lastVelocityNorm vectorMultiply (_velocityChange * ACE_FRAG_SPALL_VELOCITY_INHERIT_COEFF)); _spallSpawner setShotParents _shotParents; #ifdef DEBUG_MODE_FULL systemChat ("spd: " + str speed _spallSpawner + ", spawner: " + _fragSpawnType + ", spallPow: " + str _spallPower); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_MODE_DRAW _spallSpawner addEventHandler [ "SubmunitionCreated", { params ["", "_subProj"]; [_subProj] call FUNC(dev_addRound); } ]; #endif