#include "script_component.hpp" /* * Author: commy2, SilentSpike * HandleDamage EH where wound events are raised based on incoming damage. * Be aware that for each source of damage, the EH can fire multiple times (once for each hitpoint). * We store these incoming damages and compare them on our final hitpoint: "ace_hdbracket". * * Arguments: * Handle damage EH * * Return Value: * Damage to be inflicted * * Public: No */ // for travis #define HIT_STRUCTURAL QGVAR($#structural) params ["_unit", "_selection", "_damage", "_shooter", "_ammo", "_hitPointIndex", "_instigator", "_hitpoint"]; // HD sometimes triggers for remote units - ignore. if !(local _unit) exitWith {nil}; // Get missing meta info private _oldDamage = 0; if (_hitPoint isEqualTo "") then { _hitPoint = "#structural"; _oldDamage = damage _unit; } else { _oldDamage = _unit getHitIndex _hitPointIndex; }; // Damage can be disabled with old variable or via sqf command allowDamage if !(isDamageAllowed _unit && {_unit getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,allowDamage), true]}) exitWith {_oldDamage}; // Damages are stored for "ace_hdbracket" event triggered last private _newDamage = _damage - _oldDamage; _unit setVariable [format [QGVAR($%1), _hitPoint], _newDamage]; // Engine damage to these hitpoints controls blood visuals, limping, weapon sway // Handled in fnc_damageBodyPart, persist here if (_hitPoint in ["hithead", "hitbody", "hithands", "hitlegs"]) exitWith {_oldDamage}; // This hitpoint is set to trigger last, evaluate all the stored damage values // to determine where wounds are applied if (_hitPoint isEqualTo "ace_hdbracket") exitWith { _unit setVariable [QEGVAR(medical,lastDamageSource), _shooter]; _unit setVariable [QEGVAR(medical,lastInstigator), _instigator]; private _damageStructural = _unit getVariable [HIT_STRUCTURAL, 0]; // --- Head private _damageFace = _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitFace), 0]; private _damageNeck = _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitNeck), 0]; private _damageHead = (_unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitHead), 0]) max _damageFace max _damageNeck; // --- Body private _damagePelvis = _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitPelvis), 0]; private _damageAbdomen = _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitAbdomen), 0]; private _damageDiaphragm = _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitDiaphragm), 0]; private _damageChest = _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitChest), 0]; private _damageBody = (_unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitBody), 0]) max _damagePelvis max _damageAbdomen max _damageDiaphragm max _damageChest; // --- Arms and Legs private _damageLeftArm = _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitLeftArm), 0]; private _damageRightArm = _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitRightArm), 0]; private _damageLeftLeg = _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitLeftLeg), 0]; private _damageRightLeg = _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitRightLeg), 0]; // Find hit point that received the maxium damage // Priority used for sorting if incoming damage is equivalent (e.g. max which is 4) private _allDamages = [ [_damageHead, PRIORITY_HEAD, "Head"], [_damageBody, PRIORITY_BODY, "Body"], [_damageLeftArm, PRIORITY_LEFT_ARM, "LeftArm"], [_damageRightArm, PRIORITY_RIGHT_ARM, "RightArm"], [_damageLeftLeg, PRIORITY_LEFT_LEG, "LeftLeg"], [_damageRightLeg, PRIORITY_RIGHT_LEG, "RightLeg"] ]; TRACE_2("incoming",_allDamages,_damageStructural); _allDamages sort false; (_allDamages select 0) params ["_receivedDamage", "", "_woundedHitPoint"]; if (_damageHead >= HEAD_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD) then { TRACE_3("reporting fatal head damage instead of max",_damageHead,_receivedDamage,_woundedHitPoint); _receivedDamage = _damageHead; _woundedHitPoint = "Head"; }; // We know it's structural when no specific hitpoint is damaged if (_receivedDamage == 0) then { _receivedDamage = _damageStructural; _woundedHitPoint = "Body"; }; // Environmental damage sources all have empty ammo string // No explicit source given, we infer from differences between them if (_ammo isEqualTo "") then { // Any collision with terrain/vehicle/object has a shooter // Check this first because burning can happen at any velocity if !(isNull _shooter) then { _ammo = "#collision"; /* If shooter != unit then they hit unit, otherwise it could be: - Unit hitting anything at speed - An empty vehicle hitting unit - A physX object hitting unit Assume fall damage for downward velocity because it's most common */ if (_shooter == _unit && {(velocity _unit select 2) < -2}) then { _woundedHitPoint = selectRandom ["RightLeg", "LeftLeg"]; TRACE_5("Fall",_unit,_shooter,_instigator,_damage,_receivedDamage); } else { _woundedHitPoint = selectRandom ["RightArm", "LeftArm", "RightLeg", "LeftLeg"]; TRACE_5("Collision",_unit,_shooter,_instigator,_damage,_receivedDamage); }; // Significant damage suggests high relative velocity // Momentum transfers to body/head for worse wounding // Higher momentum results in higher chance for head to be hit for more lethality if (_receivedDamage > 0.35) then { private _headHitWeight = (_receivedDamage / 2) min 1; _woundedHitPoint = selectRandomWeighted ["Body", (1 - _headHitWeight), "Head", _headHitWeight]; }; } else { // Anything else is almost guaranteed to be fire damage _woundedHitPoint = selectRandom ["LeftLeg", "RightLeg", "Body"]; _ammo = "#unknown"; // Fire damage can occur as lots of minor damage events // Combine these until significant enough to wound private _combinedDamage = _receivedDamage + (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(trivialDamage), 0]); if (_combinedDamage > 0.1) then { _unit setVariable [QGVAR(trivialDamage), 0]; _receivedDamage = _combinedDamage; TRACE_5("Burning",_unit,_shooter,_instigator,_damage,_receivedDamage); } else { _unit setVariable [QGVAR(trivialDamage), _combinedDamage]; _receivedDamage = 0; }; }; }; // No wounds for minor damage if (_receivedDamage > 1E-3) then { [QEGVAR(medical,woundReceived), [_unit, _woundedHitPoint, _receivedDamage, _shooter, _ammo]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent; TRACE_2("received",_receivedDamage,_woundedHitPoint); }; // Clear stored damages otherwise they will influence future damage events // (aka wounds will pile onto the historically most damaged hitpoint) { _unit setVariable [_x, nil]; } forEach [ QGVAR($HitFace),QGVAR($HitNeck),QGVAR($HitHead), QGVAR($HitPelvis),QGVAR($HitAbdomen),QGVAR($HitDiaphragm),QGVAR($HitChest),QGVAR($HitBody), QGVAR($HitLeftArm),QGVAR($HitRightArm),QGVAR($HitLeftLeg),QGVAR($HitRightLeg) ]; 0 }; // Drowning doesn't fire the EH for each hitpoint so the "ace_hdbracket" code never runs // Damage occurs in consistent increments if ( _hitPoint isEqualTo "#structural" && {getOxygenRemaining _unit <= 0.5} && {_damage isEqualTo (_oldDamage + 0.005)} ) exitWith { [QEGVAR(medical,woundReceived), [_unit, "Body", _newDamage, _unit, "#drowning"]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent; TRACE_5("Drowning",_unit,_shooter,_instigator,_damage,_newDamage); 0 }; // Crashing a vehicle doesn't fire the EH for each hitpoint so the "ace_hdbracket" code never runs // It does fire the EH multiple times, but this seems to scale with the intensity of the crash private _vehicle = vehicle _unit; if ( _hitPoint isEqualTo "#structural" && {_ammo isEqualTo ""} && {_vehicle != _unit} && {vectorMagnitude (velocity _vehicle) > 5} // todo: no way to detect if stationary and another vehicle hits you ) exitWith { [QEGVAR(medical,woundReceived), [_unit, "Body", _newDamage, _unit, "#vehiclecrash"]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent; TRACE_5("Crash",_unit,_shooter,_instigator,_damage,_newDamage); 0 }; // We store our own damage values so engine damage is unnecessary 0