//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: DGSLEffectFactory.cpp // // THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF // ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO // THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=248929 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "pch.h" #include "Effects.h" #include "DemandCreate.h" #include "SharedResourcePool.h" #include "DDSTextureLoader.h" #include #if !defined(WINAPI_FAMILY) || (WINAPI_FAMILY != WINAPI_FAMILY_PHONE_APP) || (_WIN32_WINNT > _WIN32_WINNT_WIN8) #include "WICTextureLoader.h" #endif #include "BinaryReader.h" using namespace DirectX; using namespace Microsoft::WRL; // Internal DGSLEffectFactory implementation class. Only one of these helpers is allocated // per D3D device, even if there are multiple public facing DGSLEffectFactory instances. class DGSLEffectFactory::Impl { public: Impl(_In_ ID3D11Device* device) : device(device), mSharing(true) { *mPath = 0; } std::shared_ptr CreateEffect( _In_ DGSLEffectFactory* factory, _In_ const IEffectFactory::EffectInfo& info, _In_opt_ ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext ); std::shared_ptr CreateDGSLEffect( _In_ DGSLEffectFactory* factory, _In_ const DGSLEffectInfo& info, _In_opt_ ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext ); void CreateTexture( _In_z_ const WCHAR* texture, _In_opt_ ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext, _Outptr_ ID3D11ShaderResourceView** textureView ); void CreatePixelShader( _In_z_ const WCHAR* shader, _Outptr_ ID3D11PixelShader** pixelShader ); void ReleaseCache(); void SetSharing( bool enabled ) { mSharing = enabled; } static SharedResourcePool instancePool; WCHAR mPath[MAX_PATH]; private: ComPtr device; typedef std::map< std::wstring, std::shared_ptr > EffectCache; typedef std::map< std::wstring, Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr > TextureCache; typedef std::map< std::wstring, Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr > ShaderCache; EffectCache mEffectCache; EffectCache mEffectCacheSkinning; TextureCache mTextureCache; ShaderCache mShaderCache; bool mSharing; std::mutex mutex; }; // Global instance pool. SharedResourcePool DGSLEffectFactory::Impl::instancePool; _Use_decl_annotations_ std::shared_ptr DGSLEffectFactory::Impl::CreateEffect( DGSLEffectFactory* factory, const DGSLEffectFactory::EffectInfo& info, ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext ) { if ( mSharing && info.name && *info.name ) { if ( info.enableSkinning ) { auto it = mEffectCacheSkinning.find( info.name ); if ( it != mEffectCacheSkinning.end() ) { return it->second; } } else { auto it = mEffectCache.find( info.name ); if ( it != mEffectCache.end() ) { return it->second; } } } std::shared_ptr effect = std::make_shared( device.Get(), nullptr, info.enableSkinning ); effect->EnableDefaultLighting(); effect->SetLightingEnabled(true); XMVECTOR color = XMLoadFloat3( &info.ambientColor ); effect->SetAmbientColor( color ); color = XMLoadFloat3( &info.diffuseColor ); effect->SetDiffuseColor( color ); effect->SetAlpha( info.alpha ); if ( info.perVertexColor ) { effect->SetVertexColorEnabled( true ); } if ( info.specularColor.x != 0 || info.specularColor.y != 0 || info.specularColor.z != 0 ) { color = XMLoadFloat3( &info.specularColor ); effect->SetSpecularColor( color ); effect->SetSpecularPower( info.specularPower ); } if ( info.emissiveColor.x != 0 || info.emissiveColor.y != 0 || info.emissiveColor.z != 0 ) { color = XMLoadFloat3( &info.emissiveColor ); effect->SetEmissiveColor( color ); } if ( info.texture && *info.texture ) { Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr srv; factory->CreateTexture( info.texture, deviceContext, srv.GetAddressOf() ); effect->SetTexture( srv.Get() ); effect->SetTextureEnabled(true); } if ( mSharing && info.name && *info.name ) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); if ( info.enableSkinning ) { mEffectCacheSkinning.insert( EffectCache::value_type( info.name, effect ) ); } else { mEffectCache.insert( EffectCache::value_type( info.name, effect ) ); } } return effect; } _Use_decl_annotations_ std::shared_ptr DGSLEffectFactory::Impl::CreateDGSLEffect( DGSLEffectFactory* factory, const DGSLEffectFactory::DGSLEffectInfo& info, ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext ) { if ( mSharing && info.name && *info.name ) { if ( info.enableSkinning ) { auto it = mEffectCacheSkinning.find( info.name ); if ( it != mEffectCacheSkinning.end() ) { return it->second; } } else { auto it = mEffectCache.find( info.name ); if ( it != mEffectCache.end() ) { return it->second; } } } std::shared_ptr effect; bool lighting = true; bool allowSpecular = true; if ( !info.pixelShader || !*info.pixelShader ) { effect = std::make_shared( device.Get(), nullptr, info.enableSkinning ); } else { wchar_t root[ MAX_PATH ] = {0}; auto last = wcsrchr( info.pixelShader, '_' ); if ( last ) { wcscpy_s( root, last+1 ); } else { wcscpy_s( root, info.pixelShader ); } auto first = wcschr( root, '.' ); if ( first ) *first = 0; if ( !_wcsicmp( root, L"lambert" ) ) { allowSpecular = false; effect = std::make_shared( device.Get(), nullptr, info.enableSkinning ); } else if ( !_wcsicmp( root, L"phong" ) ) { effect = std::make_shared( device.Get(), nullptr, info.enableSkinning ); } else if ( !_wcsicmp( root, L"unlit" ) ) { lighting = false; effect = std::make_shared( device.Get(), nullptr, info.enableSkinning ); } else if ( device->GetFeatureLevel() < D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0 ) { // DGSL shaders are not compatible with Feature Level 9.x, use fallback shader wcscat_s( root, L".cso" ); Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr ps; factory->CreatePixelShader( root, ps.GetAddressOf() ); effect = std::make_shared( device.Get(), ps.Get(), info.enableSkinning ); } else { // Create DGSL shader and use it for the effect Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr ps; factory->CreatePixelShader( info.pixelShader, ps.GetAddressOf() ); effect = std::make_shared( device.Get(), ps.Get(), info.enableSkinning ); } } if ( lighting ) { effect->EnableDefaultLighting(); effect->SetLightingEnabled(true); } XMVECTOR color = XMLoadFloat3( &info.ambientColor ); effect->SetAmbientColor( color ); color = XMLoadFloat3( &info.diffuseColor ); effect->SetDiffuseColor( color ); effect->SetAlpha( info.alpha ); if ( info.perVertexColor ) { effect->SetVertexColorEnabled( true ); } effect->SetAlphaDiscardEnable(true); if ( allowSpecular && ( info.specularColor.x != 0 || info.specularColor.y != 0 || info.specularColor.z != 0 ) ) { color = XMLoadFloat3( &info.specularColor ); effect->SetSpecularColor( color ); effect->SetSpecularPower( info.specularPower ); } else { effect->DisableSpecular(); } if ( info.emissiveColor.x != 0 || info.emissiveColor.y != 0 || info.emissiveColor.z != 0 ) { color = XMLoadFloat3( &info.emissiveColor ); effect->SetEmissiveColor( color ); } if ( info.texture && *info.texture ) { Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr srv; factory->CreateTexture( info.texture, deviceContext, srv.GetAddressOf() ); effect->SetTexture( srv.Get() ); effect->SetTextureEnabled(true); } for( int j = 0; j < 7; ++j ) { if ( info.textures[j] && *info.textures[j] ) { Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr srv; factory->CreateTexture( info.textures[j], deviceContext, srv.GetAddressOf() ); effect->SetTexture( j+1, srv.Get() ); effect->SetTextureEnabled(true); } } if ( mSharing && info.name && *info.name ) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); if ( info.enableSkinning ) { mEffectCacheSkinning.insert( EffectCache::value_type( info.name, effect ) ); } else { mEffectCache.insert( EffectCache::value_type( info.name, effect ) ); } } return effect; } _Use_decl_annotations_ void DGSLEffectFactory::Impl::CreateTexture( const WCHAR* name, ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext, ID3D11ShaderResourceView** textureView ) { if ( !name || !textureView ) throw std::exception("invalid arguments"); #if defined(_XBOX_ONE) && defined(_TITLE) UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(deviceContext); #endif auto it = mTextureCache.find( name ); if ( mSharing && it != mTextureCache.end() ) { ID3D11ShaderResourceView* srv = it->second.Get(); srv->AddRef(); *textureView = srv; } else { WCHAR fullName[MAX_PATH] = {0}; wcscpy_s( fullName, mPath ); wcscat_s( fullName, name ); #if !defined(WINAPI_FAMILY) || (WINAPI_FAMILY != WINAPI_FAMILY_PHONE_APP) || (_WIN32_WINNT > _WIN32_WINNT_WIN8) WCHAR ext[_MAX_EXT]; _wsplitpath_s( name, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, ext, _MAX_EXT ); if ( _wcsicmp( ext, L".dds" ) == 0 ) { HRESULT hr = CreateDDSTextureFromFile( device.Get(), fullName, nullptr, textureView ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { DebugTrace( "CreateDDSTextureFromFile failed (%08X) for '%ls'\n", hr, fullName ); throw std::exception( "CreateDDSTextureFromFile" ); } } #if !defined(_XBOX_ONE) || !defined(_TITLE) else if ( deviceContext ) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); HRESULT hr = CreateWICTextureFromFile( device.Get(), deviceContext, fullName, nullptr, textureView ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { DebugTrace( "CreateWICTextureFromFile failed (%08X) for '%ls'\n", hr, fullName ); throw std::exception( "CreateWICTextureFromFile" ); } } #endif else { HRESULT hr = CreateWICTextureFromFile( device.Get(), fullName, nullptr, textureView ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { DebugTrace( "CreateWICTextureFromFile failed (%08X) for '%ls'\n", hr, fullName ); throw std::exception( "CreateWICTextureFromFile" ); } } #else UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( deviceContext ); HRESULT hr = CreateDDSTextureFromFile( device.Get(), fullName, nullptr, textureView ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { DebugTrace( "CreateDDSTextureFromFile failed (%08X) for '%ls'\n", hr, fullName ); throw std::exception( "CreateDDSTextureFromFile" ); } #endif if ( mSharing && *name && it == mTextureCache.end() ) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); mTextureCache.insert( TextureCache::value_type( name, *textureView ) ); } } } _Use_decl_annotations_ void DGSLEffectFactory::Impl::CreatePixelShader( const WCHAR* name, ID3D11PixelShader** pixelShader ) { if ( !name || !pixelShader ) throw std::exception("invalid arguments"); auto it = mShaderCache.find( name ); if ( mSharing && it != mShaderCache.end() ) { ID3D11PixelShader* ps = it->second.Get(); ps->AddRef(); *pixelShader = ps; } else { WCHAR fullName[MAX_PATH]={0}; wcscpy_s( fullName, mPath ); wcscat_s( fullName, name ); size_t dataSize = 0; std::unique_ptr data; HRESULT hr = BinaryReader::ReadEntireFile( fullName, data, &dataSize ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { DebugTrace( "CreatePixelShader failed (%08X) to load shader file '%ls'\n", hr, fullName ); throw std::exception( "CreatePixelShader" ); } ThrowIfFailed( device->CreatePixelShader( data.get(), dataSize, nullptr, pixelShader ) ); if ( mSharing && *name && it == mShaderCache.end() ) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); mShaderCache.insert( ShaderCache::value_type( name, *pixelShader ) ); } } } void DGSLEffectFactory::Impl::ReleaseCache() { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); mEffectCache.clear(); mEffectCacheSkinning.clear(); mTextureCache.clear(); mShaderCache.clear(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DGSLEffectFactory //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DGSLEffectFactory::DGSLEffectFactory(_In_ ID3D11Device* device) : pImpl(Impl::instancePool.DemandCreate(device)) { } DGSLEffectFactory::~DGSLEffectFactory() { } DGSLEffectFactory::DGSLEffectFactory(DGSLEffectFactory&& moveFrom) : pImpl(std::move(moveFrom.pImpl)) { } DGSLEffectFactory& DGSLEffectFactory::operator= (DGSLEffectFactory&& moveFrom) { pImpl = std::move(moveFrom.pImpl); return *this; } // IEffectFactory methods _Use_decl_annotations_ std::shared_ptr DGSLEffectFactory::CreateEffect( const EffectInfo& info, ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext ) { return pImpl->CreateEffect( this, info, deviceContext ); } _Use_decl_annotations_ void DGSLEffectFactory::CreateTexture( const WCHAR* name, ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext, ID3D11ShaderResourceView** textureView ) { return pImpl->CreateTexture( name, deviceContext, textureView ); } // DGSL methods. _Use_decl_annotations_ std::shared_ptr DGSLEffectFactory::CreateDGSLEffect( const DGSLEffectInfo& info, ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext ) { return pImpl->CreateDGSLEffect( this, info, deviceContext ); } _Use_decl_annotations_ void DGSLEffectFactory::CreatePixelShader( const WCHAR* shader, ID3D11PixelShader** pixelShader ) { pImpl->CreatePixelShader( shader, pixelShader ); } // Settings void DGSLEffectFactory::ReleaseCache() { pImpl->ReleaseCache(); } void DGSLEffectFactory::SetSharing( bool enabled ) { pImpl->SetSharing( enabled ); } void DGSLEffectFactory::SetDirectory( _In_opt_z_ const WCHAR* path ) { if ( path && *path != 0 ) { wcscpy_s( pImpl->mPath, path ); size_t len = wcsnlen( pImpl->mPath, MAX_PATH ); if ( len > 0 && len < (MAX_PATH-1) ) { // Ensure it has a trailing slash if ( pImpl->mPath[len-1] != L'\\' ) { pImpl->mPath[len] = L'\\'; pImpl->mPath[len+1] = 0; } } } else *pImpl->mPath = 0; }