/** * fn_loadPerson_f.sqf * @Descr: Loads a specified unit into any nearby vehicle * @Author: Glowbal * * @Arguments: [caller OBJECT, unitToBeLoaded OBJECT] * @Return: OBJECT Returns the vehicle that the unitToBeloaded has been loaded in. Returns ObjNull if function failed * @PublicAPI: true */ #include "script_component.hpp" #define GROUP_SWITCH_ID QUOTE(FUNC(loadPerson)) private ["_caller", "_unit","_vehicle", "_loadcar", "_loadhelicopter", "_loadtank"]; _caller = [_this, 0, ObjNull,[ObjNull]] call BIS_fnc_Param; _unit = [_this, 1, ObjNull,[ObjNull]] call BIS_fnc_Param; _vehicle = ObjNull; if (!([_caller] call FUNC(canInteract)) || {_caller == _unit}) exitwith {_vehicle}; _loadcar = nearestObject [_unit, "car"]; if (_unit distance _loadcar <= 10) then { _vehicle = _loadcar; } else { _loadhelicopter = nearestObject [_unit, "air"]; if (_unit distance _loadhelicopter <= 10) then { _vehicle = _loadhelicopter; } else { _loadtank = nearestObject [_unit, "tank"]; if (_unit distance _loadtank <= 10) then { _vehicle = _loadtank; }; }; }; if (!isNull _vehicle) then { [_unit, true, GROUP_SWITCH_ID, side group _caller] call FUNC(switchToGroupSide); [_caller,objNull] call FUNC(carryObj); [_unit,objNull] call FUNC(carryObj); [[_unit, _vehicle,_caller], QUOTE(FUNC(loadPersonLocal)), _unit, false] call EFUNC(common,execRemoteFnc); }; _vehicle