#include "script_component.hpp" ADDON = false; PREP_RECOMPILE_START; #include "XEH_PREP.hpp" PREP_RECOMPILE_END; #include "initSettings.sqf" call FUNC(parseConfigForInjuries); addMissionEventHandler ["Loaded",{ INFO("Mission Loaded - Reloading medical configs for extension"); // Reload configs into extension (handle full game restart) call FUNC(parseConfigForInjuries); }]; // decide which woundsHandler to use by whether the extension is present or not // if ("ace_medical" callExtension "version" != "") then { // DFUNC(woundsHandlerActive) = LINKFUNC(woundsHandler); // } else { INFO("Using woundsHandlerSQF"); DFUNC(woundsHandlerActive) = LINKFUNC(woundsHandlerSQF); // }; [QEGVAR(medical,woundReceived), { params ["_unit", "_woundedHitPoint", "_receivedDamage", "", "_ammo"]; private _typeOfDamage = _ammo call FUNC(getTypeOfDamage); [_unit, _woundedHitPoint, _receivedDamage, _typeOfDamage] call FUNC(woundsHandlerActive); }] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler; ADDON = true;