/* * Author: NouberNou and esteldunedain * Handle interactions key down * * Arguments: * 0: Type of key: 0 interaction / 1 self interaction * * Return Value: * true * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" params ["_menuType"]; if (GVAR(openedMenuType) == _menuType) exitWith {true}; // Conditions: canInteract (these don't apply to zeus) if ((isNull curatorCamera) && { !([ACE_player, objNull, ["isNotInside","isNotDragging", "isNotCarrying", "isNotSwimming", "notOnMap", "isNotEscorting", "isNotSurrendering", "isNotSitting", "isNotOnLadder"]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)) }) exitWith {false}; while {dialog} do { closeDialog 0; }; if (_menuType == 0) then { GVAR(keyDown) = true; GVAR(keyDownSelfAction) = false; } else { GVAR(keyDown) = false; GVAR(keyDownSelfAction) = true; }; GVAR(keyDownTime) = diag_tickTime; GVAR(openedMenuType) = _menuType; GVAR(lastTimeSearchedActions) = -1000; GVAR(ParsedTextCached) = []; GVAR(useCursorMenu) = (vehicle ACE_player != ACE_player) || visibleMap || (!isNull curatorCamera) || {(_menuType == 1) && {(isWeaponDeployed ACE_player) || GVAR(AlwaysUseCursorSelfInteraction) || {cameraView == "GUNNER"}}} || {(_menuType == 0) && GVAR(AlwaysUseCursorInteraction)}; // Delete existing controls in case there's any left GVAR(iconCount) = 0; for "_i" from 0 to (count GVAR(iconCtrls))-1 do { ctrlDelete (GVAR(iconCtrls) select _i); GVAR(ParsedTextCached) set [_i, ""]; }; GVAR(iconCtrls) resize GVAR(iconCount); if (GVAR(useCursorMenu)) then { // Don't close zeus interface if open if (isNull curatorCamera) then { (findDisplay 46) createDisplay QGVAR(cursorMenu); //"RscCinemaBorder";// } else { createDialog QGVAR(cursorMenu); }; (finddisplay 91919) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", {[_this,'keyup'] call CBA_events_fnc_keyHandler}]; (finddisplay 91919) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", {[_this,'keydown'] call CBA_events_fnc_keyHandler}]; // The dialog sets: // uiNamespace getVariable QGVAR(dlgCursorMenu); // uiNamespace getVariable QGVAR(cursorMenuOpened); GVAR(cursorPos) = [0.5,0.5,0]; private _ctrl = (findDisplay 91919) ctrlCreate ["RscStructuredText", 9922]; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition [safeZoneX, safeZoneY, safeZoneW, safeZoneH]; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0; // handles Mouse moving and LMB in cursor mode when action on keyrelease is disabled ((finddisplay 91919) displayctrl 9922) ctrlAddEventHandler ["MouseMoving", DFUNC(handleMouseMovement)]; ((finddisplay 91919) displayctrl 9922) ctrlAddEventHandler ["MouseButtonDown", DFUNC(handleMouseButtonDown)]; setMousePosition [0.5, 0.5]; }; GVAR(selfMenuOffset) = (AGLtoASL (positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 2])) vectorDiff (AGLtoASL (positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 0])); //Auto expand the first level when self, mounted vehicle or zeus (skips the first animation as there is only one choice) if (GVAR(openedMenuType) == 0) then { if (isNull curatorCamera) then { if (vehicle ACE_player != ACE_player) then { GVAR(menuDepthPath) = [["ACE_SelfActions", (vehicle ACE_player)]]; GVAR(expanded) = true; GVAR(expandedTime) = diag_tickTime; GVAR(lastPath) = +GVAR(menuDepthPath); GVAR(startHoverTime) = -1000; }; } else { GVAR(menuDepthPath) = [["ACE_ZeusActions", (getAssignedCuratorLogic player)]]; GVAR(expanded) = true; GVAR(expandedTime) = diag_tickTime; GVAR(lastPath) = +GVAR(menuDepthPath); GVAR(startHoverTime) = -1000; }; } else { GVAR(menuDepthPath) = [["ACE_SelfActions", ACE_player]]; GVAR(expanded) = true; GVAR(expandedTime) = diag_tickTime; GVAR(lastPath) = +GVAR(menuDepthPath); GVAR(startHoverTime) = -1000; }; ["interactMenuOpened", [_menuType]] call EFUNC(common,localEvent); true