/* * Author: bux578, commy2 * Returns an array containing all items of a given unit * * Arguments: * 0: Unit <OBJECT> * * Return Value: * 0: Headgear <STRING> * 1: Goggles <STRING> * 2: Uniform <STRING> * 3: Uniform Items <ARRAY> * 4: Vest <String> * 5: Vest Items <ARRAY> * 6: Backback <STRING> * 7: Backpack Items <ARRAY> * 8: Rifle <STRING> * 9: Rifle Items <ARRAY> * 10: Rifle Magazines <ARRAY> * 11: Launcher <STRING> * 12: Launcher Items <ARRAY> * 13: Launcher Magazines <ARRAY> * 14: Handgun <STRING> * 15: Handgun Items <ARRAY> * 16: Handgun Magazines <ARRAY> * 17: Assigned Items (map, compass, watch, etc.) <ARRAY> * 18: Binoculars <STRING> * 19: Binocular Magazine (E.g. Laserbatteries) <STRING> * * Public: Yes * * Note: Element 17 includes the Head Mounted Display (HMD) */ #include "script_component.hpp" params ["_unit", ["_showDeprecated", true]]; if (_showDeprecated) then { ACE_DEPRECATED("ace_common_fnc_getAllGear","3.7.0","getUnitLoadout"); }; if (isNull _unit) exitWith {[ "", "", "", [], "", [], "", [], "", ["","","",""], [], "", ["","","",""], [], "", ["","","",""], [], [], "", "" ]}; [ headgear _unit, goggles _unit, uniform _unit, uniformItems _unit, vest _unit, vestItems _unit, backpack _unit, backpackItems _unit, primaryWeapon _unit, primaryWeaponItems _unit, primaryWeaponMagazine _unit, secondaryWeapon _unit, secondaryWeaponItems _unit, secondaryWeaponMagazine _unit, handgunWeapon _unit, handgunItems _unit, handgunMagazine _unit, assignedItems _unit, binocular _unit, [_unit] call CBA_fnc_binocularMagazine ]