#include "script_component.hpp"
 * Author: LinkIsGrim
 * Gets all carry magazines that can be loaded into a CSW, includes weapons added by script
 * Arguments:
 * 0: CSW <OBJECT>
 * Return Value:
 * Compatible Magazines <HashMap>
 *   Magazine classname <STRING>
 *   Nothing
 * Example:
 * [cursorObject] call ace_csw_fnc_compatibleMagazines
 * Public: Yes
params [["_csw", objNull, [objNull]]];

if !((typeOf _csw) in GVAR(initializedStaticTypes)) exitWith {createHashMap};

// fast exit for csw with single weapon, most common scenario
if (count allTurrets _csw isEqualTo 1 && {count weapons _csw isEqualTo 1}) exitWith {
    GVAR(compatibleMagsCache) get ((weapons _csw) select 0) // return

private _weapons = [];

    private _turret = _x;
        _weapons pushBackUnique _x;
    } forEach (_csw weaponsTurret _turret);
} forEach (allTurrets _csw);

if (_weapons isEqualTo []) exitWith {[]};

private _carryMagazines = createHashMap; // hashmap for constant lookup
    private _weapon = _x;
    if !(_weapon in GVAR(compatibleMagsCache)) then {continue};
    _carryMagazines merge [GVAR(compatibleMagsCache) get _weapon, true];
} forEach _weapons;

_carryMagazines // return