#include "script_component.hpp"

if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};

// Force the view distance down to the limit.
if (GVAR(enabled) && {viewDistance > GVAR(limitViewDistance)}) then {
    setViewDistance GVAR(limitViewDistance);

// Adapt view distance when the player is created or changed according to whether client is on foot or vehicle.
    [false] call FUNC(adaptViewDistance);
}] call ace_common_fnc_addEventHandler;

// Set the EH which waits for any of the view distance settings to be changed, so that the effect is show immediately
    if ((_this select 0  == QGVAR(viewDistanceOnFoot)) ||
        (_this select 0  == QGVAR(viewDistanceLandVehicle)) ||
        (_this select 0  == QGVAR(viewDistanceAirVehicle)) ||
        (_this select 0  == QGVAR(objectViewDistanceCoeff))) then {

        [true] call FUNC(adaptViewDistance);
}] call ace_common_fnc_addEventHandler;

// Set the EH which waits for a vehicle change to automatically swap to On Foot/In Land Vehicle/In Air Vehicle
    [false] call FUNC(adaptViewDistance)
}] call ace_common_fnc_addEventHandler;