/* Name: AGM_Interaction_fnc_prepareSelectMenu Author: Garth de Wet (LH) Description: Prepares the select menu for use. Parameters: 0: TEXT - Header text 1: TEXT - Approve button text Returns: ARRAY/NUMBER - container object for use with AddSelectableItem. Example: ["Select Explosive", "Place"] call AGM_Interaction_fnc_prepareSelectMenu; */ private ["_buttonAction", "_header", "_buttonText", "_cancelButton"]; closeDialog 0; if (!(profileNamespace getVariable ["AGM_Interaction_FlowMenu", false])) exitWith { _header = _this select 0; _buttonText = _this select 1; if (isNil "_buttonText" or {_buttonText == ""}) then { _buttonText = localize "STR_AGM_Interaction_MakeSelection"; }; createDialog "RscAGM_SelectAnItem"; ctrlSetText [8860, _buttonText]; ctrlSetText [8870, _header]; lbClear 8866; 8866 }; []