/* * Author: ? * * ? * * Arguments: * ? * * Return Value: * ? * * Public: ? */ #include "script_component.hpp" if (!isServer) exitWith {false}; // Walk through the local synced events and clean up anything thats already EOL // @TODO: This should be iteration limited to prevent FPS lag [GVAR(syncedEvents), { _value params ["_eventTime", "_eventLog", "_globalEventTTL"]; private _newEventLog = []; // @TODO: This should be iteration limited to prevent FPS lag { private _eventEntry = _x; private _ttlReturn = true; if (_globalEventTTL isEqualType {}) then { _ttlReturn = [_eventTime, _eventEntry] call _globalEventTTL; } else { _ttlReturn = call {_globalEventTTL < 1 || {diag_tickTime < (_eventEntry select 0) + _globalEventTTL}}; }; if (_ttlReturn) then { // Do event based TTL check _eventEntry params ["_time", "", "_eventTTL"]; if (_eventTTL isEqualType {}) then { _ttlReturn = [_eventTime, _eventEntry] call _eventTTL; } else { _ttlReturn = call {_eventTTL < 1 || {diag_tickTime < _time + _eventTTL}}; }; }; // Finally drop it if the TTL check fails if (_ttlReturn) then { _newEventLog pushBack _x; }; false } count _eventLog; _value set [1, _newEventLog]; false }] call CBA_fnc_hashEachPair; // @TODO: Next, detect if we had a new request from a JIP player, and we need to continue syncing events