#!/usr/bin/env python3 import fnmatch import os import sys import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET # STRINGTABLE VALIDATOR # Author: mharis001 # --------------------- # Verifies all stringtable.xml files in the project. Checks for: # - proper XML tree structure. # - English as first translation. # - no Original translation. # - duplicated entries and languages. ######## GLOBALS ######### PROJECT_NAME = "ACE" ########################## def check_stringtable(filepath): try: tree = ET.parse(filepath) except: print(" ERROR: Failed to parse file.") return 1 errors = 0 # Verify that the root tag is Project and its name attribute is the project name root = tree.getroot() if root.tag != "Project": print(" ERROR: Invalid root tag '{}' found, must be 'Project'.".format(root.tag)) errors += 1 if root.get("name") != PROJECT_NAME: print(" ERROR: Invalid name attribute '{}' for Project tag, must be '{}'.".format(root.get("name"), PROJECT_NAME)) errors += 1 # Verify that the root has a Package tag and its name attribute matches the component's folder name package = root.find("Package") if package is None: print(" ERROR: Failed to find 'Package' tag under 'Project' tag.") errors += 1 else: package_name = package.get("name") if package_name.islower(): print(" ERROR: Package name attribute '{}' is all lowercase, should be in titlecase.".format(package_name)) errors += 1 if package_name.lower() != os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(filepath)): print(" ERROR: Package name attribute '{}' does not match the component folder name.".format(package_name)) errors += 1 # Get all keys contained in the stringtable keys = package.findall("Key") for container in package.findall("Container"): keys.extend(container.findall("Key")) key_ids = [] key_prefix = "STR_{}_{}_".format(PROJECT_NAME, package_name) for key in keys: key_id = key.get("ID") # Verify that the key has a valid ID attribute if key_id is None: print(" ERROR: Key '{}' had no ID attribute.".format(key_id)) errors += 1 elif key_id.find(key_prefix) != 0: print(" ERROR: Key '{}' does not have a valid ID attribute, should be in format {}{{name}}.".format(key_id, key_prefix)) errors += 1 key_ids.append(key_id) # Verify language entries for the key, check that the key: # - contains at least one translation # - does not contain an Original translation # - has English as the first listed translation # - has only one entry for each language entries = list(key) if len(entries) == 0: print(" ERROR: Key '{}' has no translation entries.".format(key_id)) errors += 1 else: if not key.find("Original") is None: print(" ERROR: Key '{}' has an Original translation, unnecessary with English as first.".format(key_id)) errors += 1 if entries[0].tag != "English": print(" ERROR: Key '{}' does not have its English translation listed first.".format(key_id)) errors += 1 languages = list(map(lambda l: l.tag, entries)) for language in set(languages): count = languages.count(language) if count > 1: print(" ERROR: Key '{}' has {} {} translations.".format(key_id, count, language)) errors += 1 # Verify that key IDs are unique for id in set(key_ids): count = key_ids.count(id) if count > 1: print(" ERROR: Key '{}' is defined {} times.".format(id, count)) errors += 1 # Check whitespace for tabs and correct number of indenting spaces with open(filepath, "r", encoding = "utf-8") as file: spacing_depth = 0 for line_number, line in enumerate(file, 1): if "\t" in line: print(" ERROR: Found a tab on line {}.".format(line_number)) errors += 1 line_clean = line.lstrip().lower() if line_clean.startswith("</key") or line_clean.startswith("</package") or line_clean.startswith("</project") or line_clean.startswith("</container"): spacing_depth -= 4 line_spacing = len(line) - len(line_clean) if line_spacing != spacing_depth: print(" ERROR: Incorrect number of indenting spaces on line {}, currently {}, should be {}.".format(line_number, line_spacing, spacing_depth)) errors += 1 if line_clean.startswith("<key") or line_clean.startswith("<package") or line_clean.startswith("<project") or line_clean.startswith("<container"): spacing_depth += 4 return errors def main(): print("Validating Stringtables") print("-----------------------") # Allow running from root directory and tools directory root_dir = ".." if os.path.exists("addons"): root_dir = "." # Check all stringtable.xml files in the project directory stringtable_files = [] for root, _, files in os.walk(root_dir): for file in fnmatch.filter(files, "stringtable.xml"): stringtable_files.append(os.path.join(root, file)) stringtable_files.sort() bad_count = 0 for filepath in stringtable_files: print("\nChecking {}:".format(os.path.relpath(filepath, root_dir))) errors = check_stringtable(filepath) if errors == 0: print("No errors found.") else: print("Found {} error(s).".format(errors)) bad_count += 1 print() if bad_count == 0: print("Stringtable Validation PASSED") else: print("Stringtable Validation FAILED") return bad_count if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())