#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: tcvm * Handles the fusing and detonation of any and all interceptors in the air * * Arguments: * None * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [ace_iron_dome_proximityFusePFH] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler * * Public: No */ GVAR(interceptors) = GVAR(interceptors) select { _x params ["_projectile", "_target", "_lastPosition", "_lastDistance"]; // Sweep along path to ensure we don't overshoot target private _minDistance = 0; private _currentPosition = getPosASLVisual _projectile; private _targetPosition = getPosASLVisual _target; private _posDiff = (_currentPosition vectorDiff _lastPosition); private _lengthSqr = _posDiff vectorDotProduct _posDiff; if (_lengthSqr - 0.001 <= 0) then { _minDistance = _lastPosition vectorDistance _targetPosition } else { private _d = (_targetPosition vectorDiff _lastPosition) vectorDotProduct (_currentPosition vectorDiff _lastPosition); private _t = 0 max (1 min (_d / _lengthSqr)); private _projection = _lastPosition vectorAdd ((_currentPosition vectorDiff _lastPosition) vectorMultiply _t); _minDistance = _projection vectorDistance _targetPosition; }; _x set [2, _currentPosition]; _x set [3, _minDistance]; #ifdef DRAW_TRACKING_INFO drawIcon3D ["\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Cursors\selectover_ca.paa", [0,0,1,1], (getPos _target) vectorAdd [0, 0, 0.5], 0.75, 0.75, 0, format ["%1m", _minDistance], 1, 0.025, "TahomaB"]; #endif if (!alive _target || { _minDistance <= GVAR(proximityFuseRange) } || { _minDistance > _lastDistance }) then { triggerAmmo _projectile; // if we overshot target, dont take out target if (_minDistance <= _lastDistance && { GVAR(proximityFuseFailureChance) <= random 1 }) then { private _explosion = createVehicle ["SmallSecondary", _target, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; [QGVAR(destroyProjectile), [_target]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent; }; false } else { true } };