#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: Pterolatypus, LinkIsGrim * Checks a unit's equipment to calculate the total armor on a hitpoint. * * Arguments: * 0: Unit <OBJECT> * 1: Hitpoint <STRING> * * Return Value: * Total armor and scaled armor for the given hitpoint <ARRAY of NUMBER> * * Example: * [player, "HitChest"] call ace_medical_engine_fnc_getHitpointArmor * * Public: No */ params ["_unit", "_hitpoint"]; private _uniform = uniform _unit; // If unit is naked, use its underwear class instead if (_uniform isEqualTo "") then { _uniform = getText (configOf _unit >> "nakedUniform"); }; private _gear = [ _uniform, vest _unit, headgear _unit ]; private _rags = _gear joinString "$"; private _var = format [QGVAR(armorCache$%1), _hitpoint]; _unit getVariable [_var, ["", 0, 0]] params ["_prevRags", "_armor", "_armorScaled"]; if (_rags != _prevRags) then { _armor = 0; _armorScaled = 0; { ([_x, _hitpoint] call FUNC(getItemArmor)) params ["_itemArmor", "_itemArmorScaled"]; _armor = _armor + _itemArmor; _armorScaled = _armorScaled + _itemArmorScaled; } forEach _gear; // Armor should be at least 1 to prevent dividing by 0 _armor = _armor max 1; _armorScaled = _armorScaled max 1; _unit setVariable [_var, [_rags, _armor, _armorScaled]]; }; [_armor, _armorScaled] // return