// by commy2 /* usage: (configFile >> "CfgAmmo") call FUNC(exportConfig); */ #include "\z\ace\addons\common\script_component.hpp" private "_fnc_logEntries"; _fnc_logEntries = { private ["_c", "_d", "_p", "_t", "_e"]; _c = _this select 0; _d = _this select 1; _p = inheritsFrom _c; _t = format [["class %1: %2 {", "class %1 {"] select (configName _p == ""), configName _c, configName _p]; for "_a" from 1 to _d do { _t = " " + _t; }; diag_log text _t; _e = []; for "_i" from 0 to (count _c - 1) do { private ["_e1, _e2"]; _e1 = _c select _i; _e2 = switch (true) do { case (isNumber _e1): {getNumber _e1}; case (isText _e1): {getText _e1}; case (isArray _e1): {getArray _e1}; case (isClass _e1): {[_e1, _d + 1] call _fnc_logEntries; false}; }; if (typeName _e2 != "BOOL") then { if (typeName _e2 == "ARRAY") then { _e2 = toArray str _e2; { if (_x == toArray "[" select 0) then { _e2 set [_forEachIndex, toArray "{" select 0]; }; if (_x == toArray "]" select 0) then { _e2 set [_forEachIndex, toArray "}" select 0]; }; } forEach _e2; _e2 = toString _e2; _t = format ["%1[] = %2;", configName _e1, _e2]; } else { _t = format ["%1 = %2;", configName _e1, str _e2]; }; for "_a" from 0 to _d do { _t = " " + _t; }; diag_log text _t; }; }; _t = "};"; for "_a" from 1 to _d do { _t = " " + _t; }; diag_log text _t; diag_log text ""; }; [_this, 0] call _fnc_logEntries;