#include "script_component.hpp"
 * Author: Dani (TCVM)
 * Checks hitpoint damage and determines if a vehicle should cookoff.
 * Arguments:
 * 0: The vehicle <OBJECT>
 * 1: Chance of fire <NUMBER>
 * 2: Intensity of cookoff <NUMBER>
 * 3: Person who instigated cookoff <OBJECT> (default: objNull)
 * 4: Part of vehicle which got hit <STRING> (default: "")
 * 5: Whether or not the vehicle can spawn ring-fire effect <BOO> (default: false)
 * Return Value:
 * If cooked off
 * Example:
 * [tank2, 0.1, 5] call ace_vehicle_damage_fnc_handleCookoff;
 * Public: No

params ["_vehicle", "_chanceOfFire", "_intensity", ["_injurer", objNull], ["_hitPart", ""], ["_canRing", false]];

private _alreadyCookingOff = _vehicle getVariable [QGVAR(cookingOff), false];

if (!_alreadyCookingOff && { _chanceOfFire >= random 1 }) exitWith {
    private _configOf = configOf _vehicle;
    private _fireDetonateChance = [_configOf >> QGVAR(detonationDuringFireProb), "number", 0] call CBA_fnc_getConfigEntry;
    if (_canRing) then {
        _canRing = ([_configOf >> QGVAR(canHaveFireRing), "number", 0] call CBA_fnc_getConfigEntry) == 1;

    private _delayWithSmoke = _chanceOfFire < random 1;
    private _detonateAfterCookoff = (_fireDetonateChance / 4) > random 1;

    private _source = "";
    if (toLower _hitPart isEqualTo "engine") then {
        _source = ["hit_engine_point", "HitPoints"];

    [QEGVAR(cookOff,cookOff), [_vehicle, _intensity, _injurer, _delayWithSmoke, _fireDetonateChance, _detonateAfterCookoff, _source, _canRing]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
    _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(cookingOff), true];
    LOG_4("Cooking-off [%1] with a chance-of-fire [%2] - Delayed Smoke | Detonate after cookoff [%3 | %4]",_vehicle,_chanceOfFire,_delayWithSmoke,_detonateAfterCookoff);
    [_vehicle] spawn FUNC(abandon);
    LOG_1("[%1] is on fire is bailing",_vehicle);

    // cant setVehicleAmmo 0 here because it removes FFV unit's ammo
    if (GVAR(removeAmmoDuringCookoff)) then {
        private _ammo = [_vehicle] call EFUNC(cookoff,getVehicleAmmo);
        _ammo params ["_magazines"];
        TRACE_1("removing magazines",_magazines);
            _x params ["_magazine"];
            _vehicle removeMagazines _magazine;
        } forEach _magazines;

// Avoid RPT spam
if (_alreadyCookingOff) exitWith { true };

LOG_2("[%1] No Cook-off - Chance of fire [%2]",_vehicle,_chanceOfFire);