layout: wiki
title: HuntIR
description: High-altitude Unit Navigated Tactical Imaging Round
group: feature
category: equipment
parent: wiki
## 1. Overview
### 1.1 The HuntIR
The **H**igh-altitude **U**nit **N**avigated **T**actical **I**maging **R**ound (HuntIR) is designed to be fired from a grenade launcher. After being fired in the air the in-built parachute will be deployed and the IR CMOS camera will activate, providing a video stream until it touches the ground or get shot down.
## 2. Usage
NOTE: The HuntIR round does not work with modded weapons without a compatibility fix made either by the ACE3 team or the mod team.
### 2.1 Using the HuntIR
- To be able to connect to the IR CMOS camera you will need a `HuntIR monitor`.
- Fire the HuntIR round as high as possible over the area you want to observe.
- Open the `HuntIR monitor`.
- To open the `HuntIR monitor` self interact Ctrl + ⊞ Win (ACE3 default)
- Select `Equipment`.
- Select `Activate HuntIR monitor`.
- You now have control of the IR CMOS camera, to close the monitor press ESC or ⊞ Win
### 2.2 IR CMOS camera controls
Shortcut | Action
------------ | -------------
A | Decrease zoom level
D | Increase zoom level
N | Toggle NV
S | Next camera
W | Previous camera
← | Rotate camera anticlockwise
→| Rotate camera clockwise
↑ | Raise camera
↓ | Lower camera
R | Reset camera
## 3. Dependencies