/* * Author: CAA-Picard * * Reads a boolean value from a module, sets de ACE_Parameter. Logs if parameters are missing in the module. * * Arguments: * 0: Module (Object) * 1: ACE_Parameter name (string) * 2: Module parameter name (string) * * Return Value: * None */ #include "\z\ace\addons\core\script_component.hpp" private ["_logic", "_parameterName", "_moduleParameterName"]; _logic = _this select 0; _parameterName = _this select 1; _moduleParameterName = _this select 2; // Check if the parameter is defined in the module if (isNil {_logic getVariable _moduleParameterName}) exitWith { diag_log text format["[ACE]: Warning in %1 module: %2 parameter is missing. Probably an obsolete version of the module is used in the mission.", typeOf _logic, _moduleParameterName]; }; // Set the parameter [_parameterName , if (_logic getVariable _moduleParameterName) then {1} else {0}] call FUNC(setParameter);