class CfgPatches { class AGM_Armour { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.60; requiredAddons[] = {AGM_Core}; version = "0.95"; versionStr = "0.95"; versionAr[] = {0,95,0}; author[] = {"KoffeinFlummi", "Adanteh"}; authorUrl = ""; }; }; class CfgFunctions { class AGM_Armour { class AGM_Armour { file = "AGM_Armour\functions"; class cookOff; class getHitPointBySelection; class handleDamage; class init; }; }; }; class Extended_Init_EventHandlers { class AllVehicles { class AGM_Armour { init = "_this call AGM_Armour_fnc_init"; }; }; }; class CfgSFX { class AGM_CookOff { name = "Cook-Off"; sounds[] = {"cookoff"}; cookoff[] = {"\AGM_Armour\sounds\cookoff.wav",6,1.8,400,1,0,0,0}; empty[] = {"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { /* * AGM_Armour_AmmoLocation: * HitPoint classname that holds the magazine of the vehicle * AGM_Armour_CookOffLocations: * Positions to spawn cookoff particle effects at * AGM_Armour_CookOffOnTurret: * Positions placed on turret? * * These 2 will be introduced in v0.96: * AGM_Armour_TurretObject: * Object to spawn to simulate turret flying off; "" to not spawn enything * AGM_Armour_TurretPosition: * Position to spawn turret at * * All positions are Y-up, just like in Oxygen/Object Builder. */ class Sound; class AGM_Sound_CookOff: Sound { sound = "AGM_CookOff"; scope = 2; }; class Land; class LandVehicle: Land { AGM_Armour_AmmoLocation = "HitTurret"; AGM_Armour_CookOffLocations[] = {{0,-0.2,0}}; AGM_Armour_CookOffOnTurret[] = {0}; explosionEffect = ""; }; class Tank: LandVehicle { // 2 hatches on the turret; fits most tanks AGM_Armour_CookOffLocations[] = {{-0.6,-0.3,1.65}, {0.5,-0.3,1.65}}; AGM_Armour_CookOffOnTurret[] = {1, 1 }; }; // Small explosions for cars with explosive ammunition class MRAP_01_gmg_base_F; class B_MRAP_01_gmg_F: MRAP_01_gmg_base_F { explosionEffect = "FuelExplosion"; }; class MRAP_02_gmg_base_F; class O_MRAP_01_gmg_F: MRAP_02_gmg_base_F { explosionEffect = "FuelExplosion"; }; class MRAP_03_gmg_base_F; class I_MRAP_03_gmg_F: MRAP_03_gmg_base_F { explosionEffect = "FuelExplosion"; }; // Big explosions for tracked vehicles and wheeled APCs class Tank_F: Tank { explosionEffect = "FuelExplosionBig"; }; class Car_F; class Wheeled_APC_F: Car_F { explosionEffect = "FuelExplosionBig"; }; class APC_Wheeled_03_base_F: Wheeled_APC_F { explosionEffect = "FuelExplosionBig"; }; class APC_Wheeled_01_base_F: Wheeled_APC_F { explosionEffect = "FuelExplosionBig"; }; class APC_Wheeled_02_base_F: Wheeled_APC_F { explosionEffect = "FuelExplosionBig"; }; class B_MBT_01_base_F; class B_MBT_01_cannon_F: B_MBT_01_base_F { AGM_Armour_AmmoLocation = "HitHull"; //AGM_Armour_TurretObject = "AGM_Turret_MBT_01"; //AGM_Armour_TurretPosition[] = {3,3,0}; AGM_Armour_CookOffLocations[] = {{-0.3,-0.3,1.8}}; AGM_Armour_CookOffOnTurret[] = {1}; }; class B_MBT_01_arty_base_F; class B_MBT_01_arty_F: B_MBT_01_arty_base_F { AGM_Armour_CookOffLocations[] = {{0.7,-0.3,3.5}}; AGM_Armour_CookOffOnTurret[] = {1}; }; class B_MBT_01_mlrs_base_F; class B_MBT_01_mlrs_F: B_MBT_01_mlrs_base_F { AGM_Armour_CookOffLocations[] = {{0,-0.3,1.65}}; AGM_Armour_CookOffOnTurret[] = {0}; }; class B_APC_Tracked_01_base_F; class B_APC_Tracked_01_rcws_F: B_APC_Tracked_01_base_F { AGM_Armour_AmmoLocation = "HitHull"; AGM_Armour_CookOffLocations[] = {{0.5,-0.3,1.3}}; AGM_Armour_CookOffOnTurret[] = {0}; }; class B_APC_Tracked_01_AA_F: B_APC_Tracked_01_base_F { AGM_Armour_CookOffLocations[] = {{-0.4,-0.3,1.9}, {0.3,-0.3,1.9}}; AGM_Armour_CookOffOnTurret[] = {1, 1 }; }; class B_APC_Wheeled_01_base_F; class B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F: B_APC_Wheeled_01_base_F { AGM_Armour_CookOffLocations[] = {{-0.3,0,1.85}, {0.3,0,1.85}}; AGM_Armour_CookOffOnTurret[] = {1, 1 }; }; class I_APC_tracked_03_base_F; class I_APC_tracked_03_cannon_F: I_APC_tracked_03_base_F { AGM_Armour_CookOffLocations[] = {{-0.4,-0.3,1.5}, {0.7,-0.3,1.5}}; AGM_Armour_CookOffOnTurret[] = {1, 1 }; }; class I_APC_Wheeled_03_base_F; class I_APC_Wheeled_03_cannon_F: I_APC_Wheeled_03_base_F { AGM_Armour_CookOffLocations[] = {{0,-0.6,0}}; AGM_Armour_CookOffOnTurret[] = {0}; }; class O_MBT_02_base_F; class O_MBT_02_cannon_F: O_MBT_02_base_F { AGM_Armour_CookOffLocations[] = {{-0.6,-0.3,1.65}, {0.5,-0.3,1.65}}; AGM_Armour_CookOffOnTurret[] = {1, 1 }; }; class O_MBT_02_arty_base_F; class O_MBT_02_arty_F: O_MBT_02_arty_base_F { AGM_Armour_CookOffLocations[] = {{0.7,-0.3,3.5}}; AGM_Armour_CookOffOnTurret[] = {1}; }; class O_APC_Tracked_02_base_F; class O_APC_Tracked_02_AA_F: O_APC_Tracked_02_base_F { AGM_Armour_CookOffLocations[] = {{-0.4,0.2,3.6}, {0.3,0.2,3.6}}; AGM_Armour_CookOffOnTurret[] = {1, 1 }; }; class O_APC_Tracked_02_cannon_F: O_APC_Tracked_02_base_F { AGM_Armour_CookOffLocations[] = {{0,-0.5,1.65}}; AGM_Armour_CookOffOnTurret[] = {1}; }; class O_APC_Wheeled_02_base_F; class O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_F: O_APC_Wheeled_02_base_F { AGM_Armour_AmmoLocation = "HitHull"; AGM_Armour_CookOffLocations[] = {{0,-0.4,1}}; AGM_Armour_CookOffOnTurret[] = {0}; }; /* class O_MBT_02_base_F; class O_MBT_02_cannon_F: O_MBT_02_base_F { AGM_Armour_TurretObject = "AGM_Turret_MBT_02"; AGM_Armour_TurretPosition[] = {0.9,3,1.5}; };*/ // Turret Objects /* class thingX; class AGM_Turret_MBT_01: thingX { scope = 1; model = "\A3\Structures_F\Wrecks\Wreck_Slammer_turret_F.p3d"; }; class AGM_Turret_MBT_02: thingX { scope = 1; model = "\A3\Structures_F\Wrecks\Wreck_T72_turret_F.p3d"; }; */ }; class CfgCloudlets { class AGM_CookOff { angle = 0; angleVar = 0; animationName = ""; animationSpeed[] = {1}; animationSpeedCoef = 1; beforeDestroyScript = ""; bounceOnSurface = 0.6; bounceOnSurfaceVar = 0; circleRadius = 0; circleVelocity[] = {2,2,2}; color[] = {{1,1,1,-4},{1,1,1,-3},{1,1,1,-2},{1,1,1,-1},{1,1,1,0}}; colorCoef[] = {1,1,1,1}; colorVar[] = {0,0,0,2}; destroyOnWaterSurface = 0; destroyOnWaterSurfaceOffset = 0; interval = 0.004; keepOnSurface = 0; lifeTime = 1; lifeTimeVar = 0; moveVelocity[] = {0,4,0}; moveVelocityVar[] = {1,2,1}; moveVelocityVarConst[] = {0,0,0}; onSurface = 1; onTimerScript = ""; particleEffects = ""; particleFSFrameCount = 32; particleFSIndex = 0; particleFSLoop = 0; particleFSNtieth = 16; particleShape = "\A3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal"; particleType = "Billboard"; position[] = {0,0,0}; positionVar[] = {0,0,0}; positionVarConst[] = {0,0,0}; postEffects = ""; randomDirectionIntensity = 1; randomDirectionIntensityVar = 2; randomDirectionPeriod = 5; randomDirectionPeriodVar = 1; rotationVelocity = 1; rotationVelocityVar = 3; rubbing = 0; size[] = {0.01,0.5,1,1,1.5,0.01,0.001}; sizeCoef = 1; sizeVar = 0.1; surfaceOffset = 0; timerPeriod = 1; volume = 0.45; weight = 0.4; }; };