// TMR: Small Arms - Recoil initialization and functions // (C) 2013 Ryan Schultz. See LICENSE. // Edited prefixes for compatability in AGM_Realism by KoffeinFlummi // Edited by commy2 #include "script_component.hpp" #define BASE_POWER 0.40 #define BASE_TIME 0.19 #define BASE_FREQ 13 #define RECOIL_COEF 40 private ["_unit", "_weapon", "_muzzle"]; _unit = _this select 0; _weapon = _this select 1; _muzzle = _this select 2; if (toLower _weapon in ["throw", "put"]) exitWith {}; private ["_powerMod", "_timeMod", "_freqMod"]; _powerMod = ([0, -0.1, -0.1, 0, -0.2] select (["STAND", "CROUCH", "PRONE", "UNDEFINED", ""] find stance _unit)) + ([0, -1, 0, -1] select (["INTERNAL", "EXTERNAL", "GUNNER", "GROUP"] find cameraView)); _timeMod = 0; _freqMod = 0; // to get camshake read kickback private ["_config", "_recoil"]; _config = configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon; _recoil = if (_muzzle == _weapon) then { getText (_config >> "recoil") } else { getText (_config >> _muzzle >> "recoil") }; _recoil = getArray (configFile >> "CfgRecoils" >> _recoil >> "kickBack"); if (count _recoil < 2) then { _recoil = [0, 0]; }; // parse numbers _recoil set [0, call compile format ["%1", _recoil select 0]]; _recoil set [1, call compile format ["%1", _recoil select 1]]; private "_powerCoef"; _powerCoef = RECOIL_COEF * linearConversion [0, 1, random 1, _recoil select 0, _recoil select 1, false]; if (isWeaponRested _unit) then {_powerMod = _powerMod - 0.07}; if (isWeaponDeployed _unit) then {_powerMod = _powerMod - 0.11}; private "_camshake"; _camshake = [ _powerCoef * (BASE_POWER + _powerMod) max 0, BASE_TIME + _timeMod max 0, BASE_FREQ + _freqMod max 0 ]; /* systemChat str _camshake; copyToClipboard format ["addCamShake %1;", _camshake]; */ addCamShake _camshake;