#include "handleDamage.h" #include "OpenWound.h" #include "DamageType.h" #include "InjuryType.h" #include <sstream> #include <algorithm> namespace ace { namespace medical { handleDamage::handleDamage() { } handleDamage& handleDamage::GetInstance() { static handleDamage instance; return instance; } handleDamage::~handleDamage() { } std::string handleDamage::HandleDamageWounds(const std::string& selectionName, double amountOfDamage, const std::string& typeOfDamage, int woundID) { std::vector<ace::medical::injuries::OpenWound> wounds; int selectionN = SelectionToNumber(selectionName); std::stringstream stream; if (selectionN >= 0) { double painToAdd = 0; wounds = GetInjuryInfoFor(typeOfDamage, amountOfDamage, selectionN, woundID); stream << "_woundsCreated = ["; for (int i = 0; i < wounds.size(); ++i) { stream << wounds.at(i).AsString(); if (i != wounds.size() - 1) { stream << ","; } painToAdd += wounds.at(i).pain; } stream << "];"; stream << "_painToAdd = " << painToAdd << ";"; return stream.str(); } return stream.str(); } std::vector<ace::medical::injuries::OpenWound> handleDamage::GetInjuryInfoFor(const std::string& typeOfDamage, double amountOfDamage, int selection, int woundID) { std::vector<ace::medical::injuries::OpenWound> injuriesToAdd; std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ace::medical::injuries::InjuryType>> information; std::shared_ptr<ace::medical::injuries::InjuryType> highestSpot = nullptr; for (auto & damageType : damageTypes) { if (damageType->typeName == typeOfDamage) { for (auto & possibleInjury : damageType->possibleInjuries) { if (amountOfDamage >= possibleInjury->minDamage && (amountOfDamage <= possibleInjury->maxDamage || possibleInjury->maxDamage <= 0)) { if (highestSpot == NULL) highestSpot = possibleInjury; if (possibleInjury->minDamage > highestSpot->minDamage) highestSpot = possibleInjury; information.push_back(possibleInjury); } } if (highestSpot == NULL) { break; } int c = 0; for (double & threshold : damageType->minDamageThreshold) { if (amountOfDamage >= threshold) { double amountOfInjuriesOnDamage = damageType->amountOfInjuresOnDamage.at(c); for (double injuryAmount = 0; injuryAmount < amountOfInjuriesOnDamage; ++injuryAmount) { std::shared_ptr<ace::medical::injuries::InjuryType> injuryToAdd; if (rand() % 100 >= 85) { injuryToAdd = highestSpot; } else { int indexNewInjuryToAdd = rand() % information.size(); injuryToAdd = information.at(indexNewInjuryToAdd); } int bodyPartID = selection; if (!damageType->selectionSpecific) { bodyPartID = rand() % 6; } injuries::OpenWound newWound(woundID++, injuryToAdd->ID, bodyPartID, 1, injuryToAdd->bloodLoss, injuryToAdd->pain); injuriesToAdd.push_back(newWound); } return injuriesToAdd; } ++c; } } } return injuriesToAdd; } std::string handleDamage::AddDamageType(const std::vector<std::string>& input) { if (input.size() == 5) { std::string typeName = input[0]; double minimalLethalDamage = std::stod(input[1]); std::vector<double> minDamageThreshold = inputToVectorDouble(input[2]); std::vector<double> amountOfInjuresOnDamage = inputToVectorDouble(input[3]); bool selectionSpecific = std::stod(input[4]) > 0; std::shared_ptr<ace::medical::injuries::DamageType> type(new ace::medical::injuries::DamageType(typeName, minimalLethalDamage, minDamageThreshold, amountOfInjuresOnDamage, selectionSpecific)); damageTypes.push_back(type); std::stringstream stream; stream << "ADDED: " << typeName << " - " << minimalLethalDamage << " - ["; for (double & sel : minDamageThreshold) { stream << sel << " -"; } stream << "] - ["; for (double & sel : amountOfInjuresOnDamage) { stream << sel << " -"; } stream << "] - " << selectionSpecific; return stream.str(); } return "failed"; } std::string handleDamage::AddInjuryType(const std::vector<std::string>& input) { if (input.size() == 9) { int ID = std::stod(input[0]); std::string className = input[1]; std::vector<std::string> allowedSelections = inputToVector(input[2]); double bloodLoss = std::stod(input[3]); double pain = std::stod(input[4]); double minDamage = std::stod(input[5]); double maxDamage = std::stod(input[6]); std::vector<std::string> possibleCauses = inputToVector(input[7]); std::string displayName = input[8]; std::shared_ptr<ace::medical::injuries::InjuryType> type(new ace::medical::injuries::InjuryType(ID, className, allowedSelections, bloodLoss, pain, minDamage, maxDamage, possibleCauses, displayName)); injuryTypes.push_back(type); std::stringstream stream; stream << "ADDED: " << ID << " - " << className << " - ["; for (std::string & sel : allowedSelections) { stream << sel << " -"; } stream << "] - "; stream << bloodLoss << " - " << pain << " - " << minDamage << " - " << maxDamage; for (std::string & sel : possibleCauses) { stream << sel << " -"; } stream << displayName; return stream.str(); } return "failed"; } void handleDamage::FinalizeDefinitions() { // We are finding all possible injuries for a specific damage type here, so we don't have to figure that out at a later stage. for (auto & damageType : damageTypes) { for (auto & injuryType : injuryTypes) { std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = std::find(injuryType->causes.begin(), injuryType->causes.end(), damageType->typeName); // outputstream << " Evaluating causes: " << (it != injuryType->causes.end()) << " "; if (it != injuryType->causes.end()) { damageType->possibleInjuries.push_back(injuryType); } } } } int handleDamage::SelectionToNumber(const std::string& hitpointName) { // TODO use dynamic selections instead std::vector<std::string> hitpoints = { "Head", "Body", "LeftArm", "RightArm", "LeftLeg", "RightLeg" }; std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = find(hitpoints.begin(), hitpoints.end(), hitpointName); if (it != hitpoints.end()) { return it - hitpoints.begin(); } else { return -1; // TODO throw exception } } std::vector<std::string> handleDamage::inputToVector(const std::string& input) { std::istringstream ss(input); std::string token; std::vector<std::string> output; while (std::getline(ss, token, ':')) { output.push_back(token); } return output; } std::vector<double> handleDamage::inputToVectorDouble(const std::string& input) { std::istringstream ss(input); std::string token; std::vector<double> output; while (std::getline(ss, token, ':')) { output.push_back(std::stod(token)); } return output; } } }