#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: esteldunedain * Removes an action from a class * * Arguments: * 0: TypeOf of the class <STRING> * 1: Type of action, 0 for actions, 1 for self-actions <NUMBER> * 2: Full path of the new action <ARRAY> * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [typeOf cursorTarget, 0,["ACE_TapShoulderRight","VulcanPinch"]] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_removeActionFromClass; * * Public: No */ params ["_objectType", "_typeNum", "_fullPath"]; _objectType = _objectType call EFUNC(common,getConfigName); private _res = _fullPath call FUNC(splitPath); _res params ["_parentPath", "_actionName"]; private _namespace = [GVAR(ActNamespace), GVAR(ActSelfNamespace)] select _typeNum; private _actionTrees = _namespace getOrDefault [_objectType, []]; private _parentNode = [_actionTrees, _parentPath] call FUNC(findActionNode); if (isNil "_parentNode") exitWith {}; // Iterate through children of the father private _found = false; { if (((_x select 0) select 0) == _actionName) exitWith { TRACE_2("Deleting Action",_forEachIndex,_x); _found = true; (_parentNode select 1) deleteAt _forEachIndex; }; } forEach (_parentNode select 1); if (!_found) then { WARNING("Failed to find action to delete"); };