#include "script_component.hpp" /* * Author: PabstMirror * Loads a magazine into a static weapon from a magazine carried by or next to the player. * * Arguments: * 0: Vehicle * 1: Turret * 2: Unit Carried Magazine * 3: Magazine source * 4: Unit doing the action * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [cursorTarget, [0], "ACE_csw_100Rnd_127x99_mag_red", player, player] call ace_csw_fnc_reload_loadMagazine * * Public: No */ params ["_vehicle", "_turret", "_carryMag", "_magSource", "_unit"]; TRACE_5("loadMagazine",_vehicle,_turret,_carryMag,_magSource,_unit); private _timeToLoad = 1; if (!isNull(configOf _vehicle >> QUOTE(ADDON) >> "ammoLoadTime")) then { _timeToLoad = getNumber(configOf _vehicle >> QUOTE(ADDON) >> "ammoLoadTime"); }; private _displayName = format [localize LSTRING(loadX), getText (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _carryMag >> "displayName")]; private _onFinish = { (_this select 0) params ["_vehicle", "_turret", "_carryMag", "_magSource", "_unit"]; TRACE_5("load progressBar finish",_vehicle,_turret,_carryMag,_magSource,_unit); ([_vehicle, _turret, _carryMag, _magSource] call FUNC(reload_canLoadMagazine)) params ["", "", "_neededAmmo", ""]; if (_neededAmmo <= 0) exitWith { ERROR_1("Can't load ammo - %1",_this); }; // Figure out what we can add from the magazines we have private _bestAmmoToSend = -1; { _x params ["_xMag", "_xAmmo"]; if (_xMag == _carryMag) then { if ((_bestAmmoToSend == -1) || {(_xAmmo > _bestAmmoToSend) && {_xAmmo <= _neededAmmo}}) then { _bestAmmoToSend = _xAmmo; }; }; } forEach (if (_magSource isKindOf "CAManBase") then {magazinesAmmo _magSource} else {magazinesAmmoCargo _magSource}); if (_bestAmmoToSend == -1) exitWith {ERROR_2("No ammo [%1 - %2]?",_xMag,_bestAmmoToSend);}; [_magSource, _carryMag, _bestAmmoToSend] call EFUNC(common,removeSpecificMagazine); if (_bestAmmoToSend == 0) exitWith {}; private _returnTo = _magSource; // if we're pulling from a weaponHolder, return the ammo to the unit doing the action // workaround for weaponHolders being recreated with removeSpecificMagazine, magazines will still get dropped if inventory is full if (_magSource isKindOf "WeaponHolder") then { _returnTo = _unit; }; TRACE_6("calling addTurretMag event",_vehicle,_turret,_magSource,_carryMag,_bestAmmoToSend, _unit); [QGVAR(addTurretMag), [_vehicle, _turret, _magSource, _carryMag, _bestAmmoToSend, _unit, _returnTo]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent; }; [ TIME_PROGRESSBAR(_timeToLoad), [_vehicle, _turret, _carryMag, _magSource, _unit], _onFinish, {TRACE_1("load progressBar fail",_this);}, _displayName, {((_this select 0) call FUNC(reload_canLoadMagazine)) select 0}, ["isNotInside"] ] call EFUNC(common,progressBar);