/* * Author: esteldunedain * Adds a new setting at runtime, with all it's metadata. * If has only local effects. * * Arguments: * 0: name <STRING> * 1: typeName <STRING> * 2: isClientSetable <BOOL> * 3: localizedName <STRING> * 4: localizedDescription <STRING> * 5: possibleValues <ARRAY> * 6: isForced <BOOL> * 7: defaultValue <ANY> * * Return Value: * None * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" params ["_name", "", "", "", "", "", "", "_value"]; //["_name", "_typeName", "_isClientSetable", "_localizedName", "_localizedDescription", "_possibleValues", "_isForced", "_value"]; private _settingData = [_name] call FUNC(getSettingData); // Exit if the setting already exists if (count _settingData > 0) exitWith {}; // Update the variable TRACE_2("Setting added",_name,_value); // Init the variable missionNamespace setVariable [_name, _value]; // Add the setting data GVAR(settings) pushBack _this; // Raise event locally ["ace_settingChanged", [_name, _value]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;