/* * Author: esteldunedain * Load a setting from config if it was not previosuly forced. Force if neccesary. * * Arguments: * 0: Config entry <CONFIG> * * Return Value: * None * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" params ["_optionEntry"]; private _fnc_getValueWithType = { params ["_optionEntry", "_typeName"]; private _valueConfig = (_optionEntry >> "value"); private _value = if (isNumber (_optionEntry >> "value")) then {getNumber (_optionEntry >> "value")} else {0}; TRACE_3("_fnc_getValueWithType:", configName _optionEntry, _typeName, _value); if (_typeName == "BOOL") exitWith { _value > 0 }; if (_typeName == "STRING") exitWith { getText (_optionEntry >> "value") }; if (_typeName == "ARRAY") exitWith { getArray (_optionEntry >> "value") }; if (_typeName == "COLOR") exitWith { getArray (_optionEntry >> "value") }; _value }; private _name = configName _optionEntry; // Check if the variable is already defined if (isNil _name) then { // That setting was not loaded yet // Get type from config private _typeName = getText (_optionEntry >> "typeName"); if (_typeName == "") then { _typeName = "SCALAR"; }; // Read entry and cast it to the correct type private _value = [_optionEntry, _typeName] call _fnc_getValueWithType; // Init the variable missionNamespace setVariable [_name, _value]; // Add the setting to a list on the server // Set the variable to not forced /*private _settingData = [ name, typeName, isClientSettable, localizedName, localizedDescription, possibleValues, isForced, defaultValue, category ];*/ private _settingData = [ _name, _typeName, (getNumber (_optionEntry >> "isClientSettable")) > 0, "", //getText (_optionEntry >> "displayName"), //No need to broadcast, handeled by fnc_loadSettingsLocalizedText "", //getText (_optionEntry >> "description"), //No need to broadcast, handeled by fnc_loadSettingsLocalizedText [], //getArray (_optionEntry >> "values"), //No need to broadcast, handeled by fnc_loadSettingsLocalizedText getNumber (_optionEntry >> "force") > 0, _value, "" //getText (_optionEntry >> "category") //No need to broadcast, handeled by fnc_loadSettingsLocalizedText ]; //Strings in the values array won't be localized from the config, so just do that now: /*private _values = _settingData select 5; { private _text = _x; if (((typeName _text) == "STRING") && {(count _text) > 1} && {(_text select [0,1]) == "$"}) then { _text = localize (_text select [1, ((count _text) - 1)]); //chop off the leading $ _values set [_forEachIndex, _text]; }; } forEach _values;*/ GVAR(settings) pushBack _settingData; } else { // The setting already exists. // Check if it's already forced and quit private _settingData = [_name] call FUNC(getSettingData); if (_settingData select 6) exitWith {}; // The setting is not forced, so update the value // Read entry and cast it to the correct type from the existing variable private _value = [_optionEntry, _settingData select 1] call _fnc_getValueWithType; // Update the variable missionNamespace setVariable [_name, _value]; // Force the setting if requested if (getNumber (_optionEntry >> "force") > 0) then { _settingData set [6, true]; }; };