#include "script_component.hpp" /* * Author: PabstMirror * Shows real azimuth and elevation on hud * * Arguments: * 0: PFEH Args * * Return Value: * Nothing * * Example: * [[]] call ace_artillerytables_fnc_turretPFEH * * Public: No */ (_this select 0) params ["_vehicle", "_turret", "_fireModes", "_useAltElevation", "_turretAnimBody", "_invalidGunnerMem"]; if (shownArtilleryComputer && {GVAR(disableArtilleryComputer)}) then { // Still Don't like this solution, but it works closeDialog 0; [localize LSTRING(disableArtilleryComputer_displayName)] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured); }; // Restart display if null (not just at start, this will happen periodicly) if (isNull (uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(display), displayNull])) then { TRACE_1("creating display",_this); ([QGVAR(modeDisplay)] call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutRsc [QGVAR(modeDisplay), "PLAIN", 1, false]; }; private _ctrlGroup = (uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(display), displayNull]) displayCtrl 1000; if (cameraView != "GUNNER") exitWith { // need to be in gunner mode, so we can check where the optics are aiming at _ctrlGroup ctrlShow false; }; _ctrlGroup ctrlShow true; BEGIN_COUNTER(pfeh); private _currentFireMode = (weaponState [_vehicle, _turret]) select 2; private _currentChargeMode = _fireModes find _currentFireMode; private _lookVector = (AGLtoASL (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0])) vectorFromTo (AGLtoASL (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,1])); private _weaponDir = _vehicle weaponDirection (currentWeapon _vehicle); // Calc real azimuth/elevation // (looking at the sky VS looking at ground will radicaly change fire direction because BIS) private _display = uiNamespace getVariable ["ACE_dlgArtillery", displayNull]; private _useRealWeaponDir = if ((isNull (_display displayCtrl 173)) || {(_vehicle ammo (currentWeapon _vehicle)) == 0}) then { // With no ammo, distance display will be empty, but gun will still fire at wonky angle if aimed at ground private _testSeekerPosASL = AGLtoASL (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0]); private _testPoint = _testSeekerPosASL vectorAdd (_lookVector vectorMultiply viewDistance); !((terrainIntersectASL [_testSeekerPosASL, _testPoint]) || {lineIntersects [_testSeekerPosASL, _testPoint, _vehicle]}); } else { ((ctrlText (_display displayCtrl 173)) == "--") }; private _realElevation = asin (_weaponDir select 2); private _realAzimuth = 0; if (_useRealWeaponDir || _invalidGunnerMem) then { // No range (looking at sky), it will follow weaponDir: _realAzimuth = (_weaponDir select 0) atan2 (_weaponDir select 1) } else { // Valid range, will fire at camera dir // Azimuth will still be look dir EVEN IF elevation has flipped over 90! (on steep hills) _realAzimuth = ((_lookVector select 0) atan2 (_lookVector select 1)); if (_useAltElevation) then { // Some small mortars have odd launch angles (I think due to the addition of neutral elevation constant with the manual elevation) // This gets very close, (should be less than 0.5deg deviation on a 20deg slope) private _currentTraverseRad = _vehicle animationSourcePhase _turretAnimBody; if (isNil "_currentTraverseRad") then { _currentTraverseRad = _vehicle animationPhase _turretAnimBody; }; // Get turret roatation around it's z axis, then calc weapon elev in it's projection private _turretRot = [vectorDir _vehicle, vectorUp _vehicle, deg _currentTraverseRad] call CBA_fnc_vectRotate3D; _realElevation = (acos ((_turretRot vectorCos _weaponDir) min 1)) + ((_turretRot call CBA_fnc_vect2polar) select 2); if (_realElevation > 90) then { _realElevation = 180 - _realElevation; }; // does not flip azimuth! }; }; if (_realAzimuth < 0) then { _realAzimuth = _realAzimuth + 360; }; // mils will be 0-6400 private _ctrlCharge = (uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(display), displayNull]) displayCtrl IDC_CHARGE; private _ctrlAzimuth = (uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(display), displayNull]) displayCtrl IDC_AZIMUTH; private _ctrlElevation = (uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(display), displayNull]) displayCtrl IDC_ELEVATION; _ctrlAzimuth ctrlSetText Format ["AZ: %1", [DEGTOMILS * _realAzimuth, 4, 0] call CBA_fnc_formatNumber]; _ctrlElevation ctrlSetText Format ["EL: %1", [DEGTOMILS * _realElevation, 4, 0] call CBA_fnc_formatNumber]; _ctrlCharge ctrlSetText format ["CH: %1", _currentChargeMode]; // avalible for other addons (mk6) GVAR(predictedAzimuth) = _realAzimuth; GVAR(predictedElevation) = _realElevation; END_COUNTER(pfeh); #ifdef DEBUG_MODE_FULL // private _lookVector = (AGLtoASL (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0])) vectorFromTo (AGLtoASL (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,10])); // systemChat format ["AZ: %1 EL: %2", _realAzimuth toFixed 1, _realElevation toFixed 1]; // systemChat format ["Slope: %1 - Look: %2 [%3]", (acos ((vectorUp _vehicle) select 2)) toFixed 1, ((_lookVector select 0) atan2 (_lookVector select 1)), ["GND","SKY"] select _useRealWeaponDir]; #endif