#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: PabstMirror * Creates a viewport display and camera * * Arguments: * 0: Vehicle <OBJECT> * 1: Viewport <ARRAY> * 2: Player's vision mode <NUMBER> * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [...] call ace_viewports_fnc_viewCreate * * Public: No */ params ["_vehicle", "_viewport", "_visionMode"]; _viewport params ["_name", "_type", "_camLocation", "_camAttach"]; TRACE_5("camCreate",_vehicle,_name,_type,_camLocation,_camAttach); private _usingGoggles = _visionMode > 0; if (_camLocation isEqualType "") then { _camLocation = _vehicle selectionPosition [_camLocation, "Memory"]; if (_camLocation isEqualTo [0,0,0]) then { WARNING_2("probably bad cam location %1:%2",typeOf _vehicle,_viewport); } }; // Create Cam and attach it to vic GVAR(camera) = "camera" camCreate getPos _vehicle; if (_camAttach isEqualType 0) then { // number - Static attach and set const direction GVAR(camera) attachTo [_vehicle, _camLocation]; GVAR(camera) setDir _camAttach; // could do pitch as well, but probably not needed } else { // array - Turret path, get gunner optic mem and bone-attach to it private _turretConfig = [_vehicle, _camAttach] call CBA_fnc_getTurret; private _memoryPointGunnerOptics = getText(_turretConfig >> "memoryPointGunnerOptics"); GVAR(camera) attachTo [_vehicle, _camLocation, _memoryPointGunnerOptics, true]; }; // Setup r2texture GVAR(camera) cameraEffect ["INTERNAL", "BACK", QGVAR(pip0)]; private _renderTexture = format ["#(argb,512,512,1)r2t(%1,1)", QGVAR(pip0)]; // Create blank display QGVAR(display) cutRsc [QGVAR(display), "PLAIN", 0, false]; private _display = uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(display), displayNull]; // R2T aspect ratio parameter has no effect - it will match main video AR // better to have ui elements squashed than to squash the R2T private _screenAR = getResolution select 4; private _camEffect = [0]; private _camFov = 0.75; switch (true) do { case (_type == "screen"): { // Generic "Squad Leader's Display" monitor showing turret cam private _desiredAR = 1.25; private _stretch = (_desiredAR / _screenAR) max 0.8 min 1.25; // define max stretch factor of pip texture (don't stretch more or less than this) private _viewHeight = 0.3 * safeZoneH; private _viewWidth = _stretch * _viewHeight * _screenAR / 1.3333333333333; private _ctrlRender = _display ctrlCreate ["RscPicture", -1]; _ctrlRender ctrlSetText _renderTexture; _ctrlRender ctrlSetPosition [safezoneX + 0.5 * safezoneW - 0.5 * _viewWidth, safezoneY + 0.5 * safeZoneH - 0.5 * _viewHeight, _viewWidth, _viewHeight]; _ctrlRender ctrlCommit 0; private _ctrlOverlay = _display ctrlCreate ["RscPicture", -1]; _ctrlOverlay ctrlSetText "\a3\weapons_f\reticle\data\optika_tv_ca.paa"; _ctrlOverlay ctrlSetPosition [safezoneX + 0.5 * safezoneW - 0.5 * _viewWidth, safezoneY + 0.5 * safeZoneH - 0.5 * _viewHeight, _viewWidth, _viewHeight]; _ctrlOverlay ctrlCommit 0; if (_usingGoggles) then { // Screen will be out of focus, too bright and not in IR; should be almost impossible to see anything useful _camEffect = [3,1,1,0.1,0,[0,0,0,0],[1,1,1,0],[1,1,1,1]]; private _ctrlNVG = _display ctrlCreate ["RscPicture", -1]; _ctrlNVG ctrlSetText "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,0.6,0.9)"; _ctrlNVG ctrlSetPosition [safezoneX + 0.5 * safezoneW - 0.5 * _viewWidth, safezoneY + 0.5 * safeZoneH - 0.5 * _viewHeight, _viewWidth, _viewHeight]; _ctrlNVG ctrlCommit 0; } else { _camEffect = [0]; // 2.08's currentVisionMode change could allow matching real turret's vision mode }; _camFov = 0.25; }; default { // Generic periscope viewport private _desiredAR = 3; private _stretch = (_desiredAR / _screenAR) max 0.8 min 1.25; // define max stretch factor of pip texture private _viewHeight = 0.3 * safeZoneH; if (_usingGoggles) then { _camEffect = [_visionMode]; // pass-thru // _camEffect = [3, true, 0.747773,0.791092,0,[0,0,0,0],[1.3,1.2,0,0.9],[6,1,1,0]]; // Some periscope glass is IR Laser Safe (~1064nm) which is close to same wavelength as NVGs // And cannot apply nvg and ace_nightvision effects to pip at same time, so just make it small and shitty... _viewHeight = 0.45 * _viewHeight; }; private _viewWidth = _stretch * _viewHeight * _screenAR / 1.3333333333333; private _ctrlRender = _display ctrlCreate ["RscPicture", -1]; _ctrlRender ctrlSetText _renderTexture; _ctrlRender ctrlSetPosition [safezoneX + 0.5 * safezoneW - 0.5 * _viewWidth, safezoneY + 0.5 * safeZoneH - 0.5 * _viewHeight, _viewWidth, _viewHeight]; _ctrlRender ctrlCommit 0; if (_usingGoggles) then { // Roughly try to color match ace_nvg, and make it semi-opaque private _ctrlNVG = _display ctrlCreate ["RscPicture", -1]; _ctrlNVG ctrlSetText "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.25,0.2,0.05,0.75)"; _ctrlNVG ctrlSetPosition [safezoneX + 0.5 * safezoneW - 0.5 * _viewWidth, safezoneY + 0.5 * safeZoneH - 0.5 * _viewHeight, _viewWidth, _viewHeight]; _ctrlNVG ctrlCommit 0; }; private _ctrlOverlay = _display ctrlCreate ["RscPicture", -1]; _ctrlOverlay ctrlSetText QPATHTOF(data\optic_window_ca.paa); _ctrlOverlay ctrlSetPosition [safezoneX + 0.5 * safezoneW - 0.5 * _viewWidth, safezoneY + 0.5 * safeZoneH - 0.5 * _viewHeight, _viewWidth, _viewHeight]; _ctrlOverlay ctrlCommit 0; }; }; GVAR(camera) camSetFov _camFov; QGVAR(pip0) setPiPEffect _camEffect; GVAR(camera) camCommit 0;