/* * Author: NouberNou * Compile the action menu from config for a given object. * * Argument: * 0: Object * * Return value: * None * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp"; EXPLODE_1_PVT(_this,_object); /* [ [ "Launch", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\eject_ca.paa", [0,0,0], { (_this select 0) setVelocity [0,0,10]; }, { true }, 1, [] ] ] */ private ["_objectType","_recurseFnc","_actions"]; _objectType = typeOf _object; _actionsCfg = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _objectType >> "ACE_Actions"; _recurseFnc = { private ["_actions", "_displayName", "_distance", "_icon", "_statement", "_selection", "_condition", "_showDisabled", "_enableInside", "_children", "_entry", "_actionsCfg"]; _actions = []; _actionsCfg = _this select 0; for "_i" from 0 to (count _actionsCfg)-1 do { _entryCfg = _actionsCfg select _i; if(isClass _entryCfg) then { _displayName = getText (_entryCfg >> "displayName"); _distance = getNumber (_entryCfg >> "distance"); _icon = getText (_entryCfg >> "icon"); _statement = compile (getText (_entryCfg >> "statement")); _selection = getText (_entryCfg >> "selection"); if (_selection == "") then { _selection = [0,0,0]; }; _condition = getText (_entryCfg >> "condition"); if (_condition == "") then {_condition = "true"}; // Add canInteract (including exceptions) and canInteractWith to condition _condition = _condition + format [QUOTE( && {%1 call EGVAR(common,canInteract)} && {[ARR_2(ACE_player, _target)] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)} ), getArray (_entryCfg >> "exceptions")]; _showDisabled = getNumber (_entryCfg >> "showDisabled"); _enableInside = getNumber (_entryCfg >> "enableInside"); _condition = compile _condition; _children = [_entryCfg] call _recurseFnc; _entry = [ _displayName, _icon, _selection, _statement, _condition, _distance, _children, GVAR(uidCounter) ]; GVAR(uidCounter) = GVAR(uidCounter) + 1; _actions pushBack _entry; }; }; _actions }; _actions = [_actionsCfg] call _recurseFnc; _object setVariable [QUOTE(GVAR(actionData)), _actions];