/* * Author: Glowbal * Parse all settings and load the localized displayName and description for all text * * Arguments: * None * * Return Value: * None * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" private "_fnc_parseConfigForDisplayNames"; _fnc_parseConfigForDisplayNames = { params ["_optionEntry"]; if !(isClass _optionEntry) exitwith {false}; private "_values"; _values = getArray (_optionEntry >> "values"); _x set [3, getText (_optionEntry >> "displayName")]; _x set [4, getText (_optionEntry >> "description")]; _x set [5, _values]; _x set [8, getText (_optionEntry >> "category")]; { private "_text"; _text = _x; if (typeName _text == "STRING" && {count _text > 1} && {_text select [0, 1] == "$"}) then { _text = localize (_text select [1]); //chop off the leading $ _values set [_forEachIndex, _text]; }; } forEach _values; if (!(_values isEqualTo [])) then { if (_typeOf != "SCALAR") then { ACE_LOGWARNING_2("Setting [%1] has values[] but is not SCALAR (%2)", _name, _typeOf); } else { private _value = missionNamespace getVariable [_name, -1]; if ((_value < 0) || {_value >= (count _values)}) then { ACE_LOGWARNING_3("Setting [%1] out of bounds %2 (values[] count is %3)(", _name, _value, count _values); }; }; }; true }; // Iterate through settings { _x params ["_name", "_typeOf"]; if !([configFile >> "ACE_Settings" >> _name] call _fnc_parseConfigForDisplayNames) then { if !([configFile >> "ACE_ServerSettings" >> _name] call _fnc_parseConfigForDisplayNames) then { if !([missionConfigFile >> "ACE_Settings" >> _name] call _fnc_parseConfigForDisplayNames) then { ACE_LOGWARNING_1("Setting found, but couldn't localize [%1] (server has but we don't?)",_name); }; }; }; false } count GVAR(settings);