/* Name: FUNC(getUavControlPosition) Author: Pabst Mirror Description: Gets the seat position of a UAV that the unit is activly controlling. "" - not connected to anything or not activly controling "DRIVER" "GUNNER" Parameters: 0: OBJECT - Unit Returns: STRING - Position in the UAV that is currently being controled by the unit. Example: [AGM_Player] call FUNC(getUavControlPosition) */ private ["_unit", "_uav", "_positionArray", "_playerIndex"]; _unit = _this select 0; _uav = getConnectedUAV _unit; if (isNull _uav) exitWith {""}; _positionArray = UAVControl _uav; _playerIndex = _positionArray find _unit; if (_playerIndex == -1) exitWith {""}; _positionArray select (_playerIndex + 1)