/* * Author: PabstMirror * Change the laser key code (both seeker and transmitter) * * Argument: * 0: Change in code * * Return Value: * Key Handled * Example: * [1] call ace_laser_fnc_keyLaserCodeChange; * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" params [["_codeChange", 0, [0]]]; TRACE_1("params",_codeChange); if ((!alive ACE_player) || {!([ACE_player, vehicle ACE_player, []] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith))}) exitWith {false}; private _currentShooter = objNull; private _currentWeapon = ""; if (ACE_player call CBA_fnc_canUseWeapon) then { _currentShooter = ACE_player; _currentWeapon = currentWeapon ACE_player; } else { _currentShooter = vehicle ACE_player; private _turretPath = if (ACE_player == (driver _currentShooter)) then {[-1]} else {ACE_player call CBA_fnc_turretPath}; _currentWeapon = _currentShooter currentWeaponTurret _turretPath; }; TRACE_2("",_currentShooter,_currentWeapon); if (((getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _currentWeapon >> "laser")) == 0) && {(getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _currentWeapon >> QGVAR(canSelect))) == 0}) exitWith {false}; private _oldLaserCode = _currentShooter getVariable [QGVAR(code), ACE_DEFAULT_LASER_CODE]; private _newLaserCode = _oldLaserCode; // "Four-digit code equipment settings range from 1111 to 1788" // While there is a 0 or 9 in code, keep adding change if (((_codeChange < 0) && {_oldLaserCode > ACE_DEFAULT_LASER_CODE}) || {(_codeChange > 0) && {_oldLaserCode < 1788}}) then { _newLaserCode = _oldLaserCode + _codeChange; while {(((str _newLaserCode) find "0") >= 0) || {((str _newLaserCode) find "9") >= 0}} do { _newLaserCode = _newLaserCode + _codeChange; }; }; TRACE_2("",_oldLaserCode,_newLaserCode); if (_oldLaserCode != _newLaserCode) then { _currentShooter setVariable [QGVAR(code), _newLaserCode, true]; }; [format ["%1: %2", localize LSTRING(laserCode), _newLaserCode]] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured); true