#include "script_component.hpp" /* * Author: Dani (TCVM) * Sets up a top-attack profile. If we don't have a target: coast * * Arguments: * Guidance Arg Array * * Return Value: * Commanded acceleration normal to LOS in world space * * Example: * [] call ace_spike_fnc_navigation * * Public: No */ #define ARM_TIME 0.5 params ["_args", "_timestep", "", "_profileAdjustedTargetPos", "", "_navigationParams"]; _args params ["_firedEH", "_launchParams", "_flightParams", "_seekerParams", "_stateParams", "_targetData", "_navigationStateData"]; _firedEH params ["_shooter","","","","_ammo","","_projectile"]; _launchParams params ["_shooter","_targetLaunchParams","_seekerType","_attackProfile","_lockMode","_laserInfo","_navigationType"]; _targetLaunchParams params ["_target", "_targetPos", "_launchPos", "_launchDir", "_launchTime"]; _flightParams params ["_pitchRate", "_yawRate", "_isBangBangGuidance"]; _stateParams params ["_lastRunTime", "_seekerStateParams", "_attackProfileStateParams", "_lastKnownPosState", "", "_guidanceParameters"]; _seekerParams params ["_seekerAngle", "_seekerAccuracy", "_seekerMaxRange", "_seekerMinRange"]; _targetData params ["_targetDirection", "_attackProfileDirection", "_targetRange", "_targetVelocity", "_targetAcceleration"]; ((velocity _projectile) call CBA_fnc_vect2polar) params ["", "_currentYaw", "_currentPitch"]; private _projectilePos = getPosASLVisual _projectile; if (_navigationParams isEqualTo []) then { _navigationParams set [0, STAGE_LAUNCH]; _navigationParams set [1, CBA_missionTime]; _navigationParams set [2, 0]; _navigationParams set [3, 0]; }; _navigationParams params ["_stage", "_launchTime", "_coastAltitude", "_lastAltitudeError"]; private _met = CBA_missionTime - _launchTime; if (_met >= BATTERY_LIFE) exitWith { [0, 0, -_pitchRate] }; private _navigationDebugStr = ""; private _cmdAccel = [0, 0, 0]; private _2dVelocity = (velocity _projectile); _2dVelocity set [2, 0]; private _directionToTarget = _projectilePos vectorFromTo _profileAdjustedTargetPos; private _2dDirectionToTarget = [_directionToTarget#0, _directionToTarget#1, 0]; switch (_stage) do { case STAGE_LAUNCH: { private _error = LAUNCH_PITCH - _currentPitch; _cmdAccel set [2, _error * 3]; if (_met >= LAUNCH_TIME && abs (_error) <= 5) then { _navigationParams set [0, STAGE_CLIMB]; }; _navigationDebugStr = format ["SPIKE LAUNCH [Pitch - %1 Error - %2 MET - %3]", _currentPitch, _error, _met]; }; case STAGE_CLIMB: { private _error = CLIMB_PITCH - _currentPitch; _cmdAccel set [2, _error]; if (_met >= LAUNCH_TIME + CLIMB_TIME && abs (_error) <= 1) then { _navigationParams set [0, STAGE_CRUISE]; _navigationParams set [2, _projectilePos#2]; }; _navigationDebugStr = format ["SPIKE CLIMB [Pitch - %1 Error - %2 MET - %3]", _currentPitch, _error, _met]; }; case STAGE_CRUISE: { private _altitudeError = _coastAltitude - _projectilePos#2; private _pY = CRUISE_PRO_GAIN * _altitudeError; private _dY = if (_timestep != 0) then { CRUISE_DER_GAIN * (_altitudeError - _lastAltitudeError) / _timestep } else { 0 }; _navigationParams set [3, _altitudeError]; _cmdAccel set [2, (_pY + _dY) * _pitchRate]; if (_profileAdjustedTargetPos isNotEqualTo [0, 0, 0]) then { (_2dDirectionToTarget call CBA_fnc_vect2polar) params ["", "_azimuthToTarget"]; private _yawError = 4 * (_azimuthToTarget - _currentYaw) / 90; _yawError = _yawError * _yawRate; _cmdAccel set [0, _yawError]; }; _navigationDebugStr = format ["SPIKE CRUISE [Altitude - %1 Error - %2 MET - %3]", _projectilePos#2, _altitudeError, _met]; }; default {}; }; private _distance = _launchPos vectorDistance _profileAdjustedTargetPos; private _los = _projectilePos vectorFromTo _profileAdjustedTargetPos; // subtract 500 so we dont get a perfect top-attack angle private _ttgo = ((_projectilePos distance2D _profileAdjustedTargetPos) - 500) / (vectorMagnitude velocity _projectile); private _angleToTarget = acos ((vectorDir _projectile) vectorCos _los); private _atMinRotationAngle = _angleToTarget >= (_pitchRate * _ttgo); if (_met >= ARM_TIME && { _stage >= STAGE_LAUNCH } && { _profileAdjustedTargetPos isNotEqualTo [0, 0, 0] } && { _atMinRotationAngle }) then { _navigationParams set [0, STAGE_TERMINAL]; }; #ifdef DEBUG_MODE_FULL drawIcon3D ["\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Cursors\selectover_ca.paa", [1,1,0,1], (ASLtoAGL _projectilePos) vectorAdd [0, 0, 5], 0.75, 0.75, 0, _navigationDebugStr, 1, 0.025, "TahomaB"]; #endif _projectile vectorModelToWorldVisual _cmdAccel