mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
* Changed sorting + minor cleanup * Update addons/arsenal/functions/fnc_fillLeftPanel.sqf Co-authored-by: Grim <69561145+LinkIsGrim@users.noreply.github.com> * check and log missing extended info * fix extended loadout logging * Made voice stuff config case * use lowercase voice everywhere * check loadout voice against configCase * Update fnc_verifyLoadout.sqf * Update addons/arsenal/functions/fnc_verifyLoadout.sqf Co-authored-by: Grim <69561145+LinkIsGrim@users.noreply.github.com> * Update addons/arsenal/functions/fnc_verifyLoadout.sqf Co-authored-by: Grim <69561145+LinkIsGrim@users.noreply.github.com> * Update addons/arsenal/functions/fnc_verifyLoadout.sqf --------- Co-authored-by: LinkIsGrim <salluci.lovi@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Grim <69561145+LinkIsGrim@users.noreply.github.com>
170 lines
7.7 KiB
170 lines
7.7 KiB
#include "..\script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
* Author: Alganthe, johnb43, LinkIsGrim
* Fill loadouts list over multiple frames. LOADOUTS_PER_FRAME macro does what it says on the tin.
* Should only ever be called by display load (with optional params as default) and by itself.
* Listen to ace_arsenal_loadoutsListFilled event if you need to iterate over the loadouts list.
* Arguments:
* 0: Loadouts display <DISPLAY>
* 1: Tab control <CONTROL>
* 2: Current frame filling loadouts list <NUMBER> (default: 0)
* 3: Frames necessary to fill loadouts list <NUMBER> (default: -1)
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
// Can just be modified directly, no further setup needed
params ["_display", "_control", ["_currentFrame", 0], ["_framesToFill", -1]];
if (isNull _display) exitWith {
TRACE_2("display closed, aborting",_currentFrame,_framesToFill);
private _contentPanelCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_contentPanel;
if (_currentFrame == 0) then {
(_display displayCtrl IDC_textEditBox) ctrlSetText "";
// Force a "refresh" animation of the panel
_contentPanelCtrl ctrlSetFade 1;
_contentPanelCtrl ctrlCommit 0;
_contentPanelCtrl ctrlSetFade 0;
_contentPanelCtrl ctrlCommit FADE_DELAY;
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetCurSelRow -1;
lnbClear _contentPanelCtrl;
private _sharedLoadoutsVars = GVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace) getVariable QGVAR(sharedLoadoutsVars);
private _cfgWeapons = configFile >> "CfgWeapons"; // Used by ADD_LOADOUTS_LIST_PICTURES macro, do not remove
private _newRow = -1;
if (GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab) != IDC_buttonSharedLoadouts) then {
private _loadoutNameAndTab = "";
private _loadoutCachedInfo = "";
private _sharingEnabled = GVAR(allowSharedLoadouts) && {isMultiplayer};
private _loadouts = [
profileNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(saved_loadouts), []],
] select (ctrlIDC _control == IDC_buttonDefaultLoadouts);
if (_currentFrame == 0) then {
_framesToFill = floor ((count _loadouts) / LOADOUTS_PER_FRAME);
TRACE_2("filling loadouts list",_currentFrame,_framesToFill);
_this set [3, _framesToFill];
// Add all loadouts to loadout list
_x params ["_loadoutName", "_loadoutData"];
_loadoutNameAndTab = _loadoutName + str GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab);
_loadoutCachedInfo = _contentPanelCtrl getVariable _loadoutNameAndTab;
// If not in cache, get info and cache it
if (isNil "_loadoutCachedInfo") then {
_loadoutCachedInfo = [_loadoutData] call FUNC(verifyLoadout);
_contentPanelCtrl setVariable [_loadoutNameAndTab, _loadoutCachedInfo];
_loadoutCachedInfo params ["", "_nullItemsList", "_unavailableItemsList", "_missingExtendedInfo"];
// Log missing / nil items to RPT (only once per arsenal session)
if (GVAR(EnableRPTLog) && {(_nullItemsList isNotEqualTo []) || {_unavailableItemsList isNotEqualTo [] || {_missingExtendedInfo isNotEqualTo []}}}) then {
private _printComponent = "ACE_Arsenal - Loadout:";
private _printNullItemsList = ["Missing items:", str _nullItemsList] joinString " ";
private _printUnavailableItemsList = ["Unavailable items:", str _unavailableItemsList] joinString " ";
private _printMissingExtendedInfo = ["Missing extended loadout:", str _missingExtendedInfo] joinString " ";
diag_log text (format ["%1%6 %2%6 %3%6 %4%6 %5", _printComponent, "Name: " + _loadoutName, _printNullItemsList, _printUnavailableItemsList, _printMissingExtendedInfo, endl]);
// Set position of loadouts different if in default loadout tab or if sharing is disabled
if (GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab) == IDC_buttonDefaultLoadouts || {!_sharingEnabled}) then {
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetColumnsPos [0, 0, 0.40, 0.50, 0.60, 0.70, 0.75, 0.80, 0.85, 0.90];
} else {
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetColumnsPos [0, 0.05, 0.40, 0.50, 0.60, 0.70, 0.75, 0.80, 0.85, 0.90];
_loadoutCachedInfo params ["_extendedLoadout", "_nullItemsList", "_unavailableItemsList"];
_extendedLoadout params ["_loadout"]; // Used by ADD_LOADOUTS_LIST_PICTURES macro, do not remove
_newRow = _contentPanelCtrl lnbAddRow ["", _loadoutName];
// Change color on loadout lines that have items that aren't available or don't exist
if (_nullItemsList isNotEqualTo []) then {
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetColor [[_newRow, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0.8]]; // Red
} else {
if (_unavailableItemsList isNotEqualTo []) then {
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetColor [[_newRow, 1], [1, 1, 1, 0.25]]; // Gray
// If it's a shared loadout and player is in the private loadouts tab, add icon
if (((profileName + _loadoutName) in _sharedLoadoutsVars) && {GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab) == IDC_buttonMyLoadouts}) then {
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetPicture [[_newRow, 0], QPATHTOF(data\iconPublic.paa)];
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetValue [[_newRow, 0], 1];
} forEach (_loadouts select [_currentFrame * LOADOUTS_PER_FRAME, [LOADOUTS_PER_FRAME, count _loadouts] select is3DEN]);
} else {
private _allPlayerNames = allPlayers apply {name _x};
private _loadouts = _sharedLoadoutsVars apply {GVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace) getVariable _x};
private _loadoutVar = "";
if (_currentFrame == 0) then {
_framesToFill = floor ((count _loadouts) / LOADOUTS_PER_FRAME);
TRACE_2("filling loadouts list",_currentFrame,_framesToFill);
_this set [3, _framesToFill];
_x params ["_playerName", "_loadoutName", "_loadoutData"];
_loadoutVar = _playerName + _loadoutName;
// If player who shared loadout doesn't exist anymore, unshare loadout
if !(_playerName in _allPlayerNames) then {
GVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace) setVariable [_loadoutVar, nil, true];
GVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace) setVariable [QGVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace), _sharedLoadoutsVars - [_loadoutVar], true];
[QGVAR(loadoutUnshared), [_contentPanelCtrl, profileName, _loadoutName]] call CBA_fnc_remoteEvent;
} else {
([_loadoutData] call FUNC(verifyLoadout)) params ["_extendedLoadout", "_nullItemsList", "_unavailableItemsList"];
_extendedLoadout params ["_loadout"]; // Used by ADD_LOADOUTS_LIST_PICTURES macro, do not remove
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetColumnsPos [0, 0.15, 0.40, 0.50, 0.60, 0.70, 0.75, 0.80, 0.85, 0.90];
_newRow = _contentPanelCtrl lnbAddRow [_playerName, _loadoutName];
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetData [[_newRow, 1], _loadoutVar];
// Change color on loadout lines that have items that aren't available or don't exist
if (_nullItemsList isNotEqualTo []) then {
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetColor [[_newRow, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0.8]]; // Red
} else {
if (_unavailableItemsList isNotEqualTo []) then {
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSetColor [[_newRow, 1], [1, 1, 1, 0.25]]; // Gray
} forEach (_loadouts select [_currentFrame * LOADOUTS_PER_FRAME, [LOADOUTS_PER_FRAME, count _loadouts] select is3DEN]);
if (!is3DEN && _currentFrame != _framesToFill) exitWith {
_this set [2, _currentFrame + 1];
[FUNC(fillLoadoutsList), _this] call CBA_fnc_execNextFrame;
TRACE_3("finished",_currentFrame,_framesToFill,lnbSize _contentPanelCtrl);
[QGVAR(loadoutsListFilled), [_display, _control]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
// Sort loadouts alphabetically
_contentPanelCtrl lnbSort [1, false];