mirror of https://github.com/acemod/ACE3.git synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
PabstMirror e8693c8db9
Various - Use configOf command for faster lookup ()
* configOf

* replace some use of CBA_fnc_getObjectConfig
2021-02-18 12:58:08 -06:00

100 lines
4.0 KiB

#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: GitHawk
* Take a fuel nozzle either from a fuel truck/station or from the ground.
* Arguments:
* 0: Unit <OBJECT>
* 1: Fuel Source or Nozzle <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [player, cursorObject] call ace_refuel_fnc_takeNozzle
* Public: No
params [
["_unit", objNull, [objNull]],
["_object", objNull, [objNull]]
[_unit, _object],
params ["_args"];
_args params ["_unit", "_object"];
if !([_unit, _object] call FUNC(canTakeNozzle)) exitWith {};
private _source = _object;
private _nozzle = _object;
if (typeOf _object isEqualTo QGVAR(fuelNozzle) || {_object getVariable [QGVAR(jerryCan), false]}) then { // func is called on muzzle either connected or on ground
_source = _nozzle getVariable QGVAR(source);
if (_nozzle getVariable [QGVAR(jerryCan), false]) then {
_nozzle attachTo [_unit, [0,1,0], "pelvis"];
} else {
_nozzle attachTo [_unit, [-0.02,0.05,-0.12], "righthandmiddle1"];
} else { // func is called on fuel truck
_nozzle = QGVAR(fuelNozzle) createVehicle [0,0,0];
_nozzle attachTo [_unit, [-0.02,0.05,-0.12], "righthandmiddle1"];
private _ropeTarget = _source;
if !(_source isKindOf "AllVehicles") then {
private _helper = QGVAR(helper) createVehicle [0,0,0];
[QEGVAR(common,hideObjectGlobal), [_helper, true]] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent;
if ((getText (configOf _source >> "simulation")) isEqualTo "thingX") then {
_helper attachTo [_source, [0,0,0]];
} else {
_helper setPosWorld (getPosWorld _source);
_helper setDir (getDir _source);
_helper setVectorUp (vectorUp _source);
_nozzle setVariable [QGVAR(helper), _helper, true];
_ropeTarget = _helper;
private _attachPos = _source getVariable [QGVAR(hooks), getArray (configOf _source >> QGVAR(hooks))];
if (_attachPos isEqualTo []) then {
_attachPos = [[0,0,0]];
if (count _attachPos == 1) then {
_attachPos = _attachPos select 0;
} else {
// select closest hook
private _hookDistances = _attachPos apply {_unit distance (_source modelToWorld _x)};
_attachPos = _attachPos select (_hookDistances find selectMin _hookDistances);
private _hoseLength = _source getVariable [QGVAR(hoseLength), GVAR(hoseLength)];
private _rope = ropeCreate [_ropeTarget, _attachPos, _nozzle, [0, -0.20, 0.12], _hoseLength];
_nozzle setVariable [QGVAR(rope), _rope, true];
_nozzle setVariable [QGVAR(attachPos), _attachPos, true];
_nozzle setVariable [QGVAR(source), _source, true];
[_source, "blockEngine", "ACE_Refuel", true] call EFUNC(common,statusEffect_set);
_source setVariable [QGVAR(isConnected), true, true];
_source setVariable [QGVAR(ownedNozzle), _nozzle, true];
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(nozzle), _nozzle, true];
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(isRefueling), true];
// holster weapon
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(selectedWeaponOnRefuel), currentWeapon _unit];
_unit call EFUNC(common,fixLoweredRifleAnimation);
_unit action ["SwitchWeapon", _unit, _unit, 299];
[_unit, "forceWalk", "ACE_refuel", true] call EFUNC(common,statusEffect_set);
[_unit, "blockThrow", "ACE_refuel", true] call EFUNC(common,statusEffect_set);
[_unit, _nozzle] call FUNC(startNozzleInHandsPFH);
localize LSTRING(TakeNozzleAction),
] call EFUNC(common,progressBar);