mirror of https://github.com/acemod/ACE3.git synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Grim e06c6f7835
General - Replace toLower with toLowerANSI where applicable ()
* General - Replace toLower with toLowerANSI where applicable

* whoops

Co-authored-by: PabstMirror <pabstmirror@gmail.com>

* Update addons/repair/functions/fnc_setHitPointDamage.sqf

Co-authored-by: johnb432 <58661205+johnb432@users.noreply.github.com>

* Update addons/repair/dev/draw_showRepairInfo.sqf

Co-authored-by: johnb432 <58661205+johnb432@users.noreply.github.com>

* Update addons/tagging/XEH_preStart.sqf

Co-authored-by: johnb432 <58661205+johnb432@users.noreply.github.com>

* Update addons/vehicle_damage/functions/fnc_handleCookoff.sqf

Co-authored-by: johnb432 <58661205+johnb432@users.noreply.github.com>

* Update addons/tagging/XEH_preStart.sqf

Co-authored-by: johnb432 <58661205+johnb432@users.noreply.github.com>

* comparment -> compartment

* Update fnc_showHud.sqf

* Update fnc_registerObjects.sqf

* Update addons/common/functions/fnc_cbaSettings_settingChanged.sqf


Co-authored-by: PabstMirror <pabstmirror@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: johnb432 <58661205+johnb432@users.noreply.github.com>
2024-03-07 22:08:13 +01:00

106 lines
4.6 KiB

#include "..\script_component.hpp"
* Author: PabstMirror
* Converts a ace_setting config into a cba setting
* Arguments:
* 0: Setting config <CONFIG>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [] call ace_common_fnc_cbaSettings_loadFromConfig;
* Public: No
params ["_config"];
private _varName = configName _config;
INFO_1("Loading ace_setting from config [%1] - consider updating to native cba_settings",_varName);
private _typeName = toUpper getText (_config >> "typeName");
if (_typeName == "") then {
WARNING_1("Setting [%1] Has no typeName",_varName);
_typeName = "SCALAR";
private _isClientSettable = (getNumber (_config >> "isClientSettable")) > 0;
private _localizedName = getText (_config >> "displayName");
private _localizedDescription = getText (_config >> "description");
private _isForced = (getNumber (_config >> "force")) > 0;
private _category = getText (_config >> "category");
private _cbaIsGlobal = (!_isClientSettable) || _isForced;
private _warnIfChangedMidMission = _cbaIsGlobal && {(getNumber (_config >> "canBeChanged")) == 0};
if (_isForced) then {GVAR(cbaSettings_forcedSettings) pushBack (toLowerANSI _varName);};
// Basic handling of setting types CBA doesn't support:
if (_typeName == "ARRAY") exitWith {
WARNING_1("Setting [%1] is type ARRAY - limited support",_varName);
private _value = getArray (_config >> "value");
if (isServer) then {missionNamespace setVariable [_varName, _value, true];};
private _cbaSettingType = "";
private _cbaValueInfo = [];
switch (_typeName) do {
case ("SCALAR"): { // ACE's Scalar can be a float or an index for a list
if (!isNumber (_config >> "value")) then {WARNING_2("Setting [%1] - value type [%2] is missing number",_varName,_typeName);};
if (isArray (_config >> "values")) then {
_cbaSettingType = "LIST"; // [_values, _valueTitles, _defaultIndex]
private _values = [];
private _valueTitles = [];
_values pushBack _forEachIndex;
_valueTitles pushBack (if ((_x select [0, 1]) == "$") then {localize (_x select [1]);} else {_x});
} forEach (getArray (_config >> "values"));
_cbaValueInfo = [_values, _valueTitles, getNumber (_config >> "value")];
} else {
_cbaSettingType = "SLIDER"; // [_min, _max, _default, _trailingDecimals]
_cbaValueInfo = if (isArray (_config >> "sliderSettings")) then {
getArray (_config >> "sliderSettings");
} else {
INFO_1("Using auto min/max for [%1]",_varName);
[-1, 5000, 0, 1]
_cbaValueInfo set [2, getNumber (_config >> "value")];
case ("BOOL"): {
if (!isNumber (_config >> "value")) then {WARNING_2("Setting [%1] - value type [%2] is missing number",_varName,_typeName);};
_cbaSettingType = "CHECKBOX";
_cbaValueInfo = (getNumber (_config >> "value")) > 0;
case ("COLOR"): {
if (!isArray (_config >> "value")) then {WARNING_2("Setting [%1] - value type [%2] is missing array",_varName,_typeName);};
_cbaSettingType = "COLOR";
_cbaValueInfo = getArray (_config >> "value");
case ("STRING"): {
if (!isText (_config >> "value")) then {WARNING_2("Setting [%1] - value type [%2] is missing text",_varName,_typeName);};
_cbaSettingType = "EDITBOX";
_cbaValueInfo = getText (_config >> "value");
if (_cbaSettingType == "") exitWith {ERROR_3("Setting [%1] - value type [%2] is unknown - %3",_varName,_typeName,_cbaValueInfo);};
if (_localizedDescription == "") then {_localizedDescription = _varName};
if (_category == "") then {
// WARNING_1("Setting [%1] - no category",_varName);
_category = "Uncategorized";
if (((_varName select [0, 4]) == "ACE_") && {(_category select [0, 3]) != "ACE"}) then {_category = format ["ACE %1", _category];};
if (((_varName select [0, 5]) == "ACEX_") && {(_category select [0, 4]) != "ACEX"}) then {_category = format ["ACEX %1", _category];};
private _code = compile format ['["%1", _this] call FUNC(cbaSettings_settingChanged)', _varName];
private _return = [_varName, _cbaSettingType, [_localizedName, _localizedDescription], _category, _cbaValueInfo, _cbaIsGlobal, _code, _warnIfChangedMidMission] call CBA_fnc_addSetting;
if ((isNil "_return") || {!_return}) then {ERROR_1("Setting [%1] - CBA Error",_varName);};