2016-07-20 07:15:18 +03:00

84 lines
3.1 KiB

* Author: commy2
* Set the hitpoint damage and change the structural damage acordingly, requires local vehicle.
* Handles the ace_repair_setVehicleHitPointDamage event
* Arguments:
* 0: Local Vehicle to Damage <OBJECT>
* 1: Selected hitpoint INDEX <NUMBER>
* 2: Total Damage <NUMBER>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [vehicle, 1, 0.5] call ace_repair_fnc_setHitPointDamage
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_vehicle", "_hitPointIndex", "_hitPointDamage"];
TRACE_4("params",_vehicle,typeOf _vehicle,_hitPointIndex,_hitPointDamage);
private["_damageNew", "_damageOld", "_hitPointDamageRepaired", "_hitPointDamageSumOld", "_realHitpointCount", "_selectionName"];
// can't execute all commands if the vehicle isn't local. exit here.
if !(local _vehicle) exitWith {ACE_LOGERROR_1("Vehicle Not Local %1", _vehicle);};
//Check for bad typeName (changed from orignal v3.3 that took string)
if (_hitPointIndex isEqualType "") then {
ACE_DEPRECATED("repair-setHitPointDamage (hit point name <string>","3.5.0","hit index <number>");
_hitPointIndex = _allHitPoints find _hitPointIndex;
// get all hitpoints and selections and damages
(getAllHitPointsDamage _vehicle) params [["_allHitPoints", []], ["_allHitPointsSelections", []], ["_allHitPointDamages", []]];
// exit if the hitpoint is not valid
if ((_hitPointIndex < 0) || {_hitPointIndex >= (count _allHitPoints)}) exitWith {ACE_LOGERROR_2("NOT A VALID HITPOINT: %1-%2", _hitPointIndex,_vehicle);};
// save structural damage and sum of hitpoint damages
_damageOld = damage _vehicle;
_realHitpointCount = 0;
_hitPointDamageSumOld = 0;
_hitPointDamageRepaired = 0; //positive for repairs : newSum = (oldSum - repaired)
_selectionName = _allHitPointsSelections select _forEachIndex;
//Filter out all the bad hitpoints (HitPoint="" or no selection)
if ((!isNil {_vehicle getHit _selectionName}) && {_x != ""}) then {
_realHitpointCount = _realHitpointCount + 1;
if ((((toLower _x) find "glass") == -1) && {!isText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _vehicle >> "HitPoints" >> _x >> "depends")}) then {
_hitPointDamageSumOld = _hitPointDamageSumOld + (_allHitPointDamages select _forEachIndex);
if (_forEachIndex == _hitPointIndex) then {
_hitPointDamageRepaired = (_allHitPointDamages select _forEachIndex) - _hitPointDamage;
} forEach _allHitPoints;
// calculate new structural damage
_damageNew = (_hitPointDamageSumOld - _hitPointDamageRepaired) / _realHitpointCount;
if (_hitPointDamageSumOld > 0) then {
_damageNew = _damageOld * ((_hitPointDamageSumOld - _hitPointDamageRepaired) / _hitPointDamageSumOld);
// set new structural damage value
_vehicle setDamage _damageNew;
//Repair the hitpoint in the damages array:
_allHitPointDamages set [_hitPointIndex, _hitPointDamage];
//Set the new damage for all hitpoints
_vehicle setHitIndex [_forEachIndex, _x];
} forEach _allHitPointDamages;
// normalize hitpoints
[_vehicle] call FUNC(normalizeHitPoints);