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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
* Medical - Allow changing SPONTANEOUS_WAKE_UP_INTERVAL via var * add variable for minimum blood volume * change variable name * update pain comment --------- Co-authored-by: PabstMirror <pabstmirror@gmail.com>
150 lines
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150 lines
6.4 KiB
#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: BaerMitUmlaut, PabstMirror
* Applies healing to target
* Arguments:
* 0: Healer <OBJECT>
* 1: Target <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* Nothing
* Example:
* [a, b] call ACE_medical_ai_fnc_healingLogic
* Public: No
params ["_healer", "_target"];
(_healer getVariable [QGVAR(currentTreatment), [-1]]) params ["_finishTime", "_treatmentTarget", "_treatmentEvent", "_treatmentArgs", "_treatmentItem"];
// Treatment in progress, check if finished and apply
if (_finishTime > 0) exitWith {
if (CBA_missionTime >= _finishTime) then {
TRACE_5("treatment finished",_finishTime,_treatmentTarget,_treatmentEvent,_treatmentArgs,_treatmentItem);
_healer setVariable [QGVAR(currentTreatment), nil];
if ((GVAR(requireItems)) && {_treatmentItem != ""}) then {
([_healer, _treatmentItem] call FUNC(itemCheck)) params ["_itemOk", "_itemClassname", "_treatmentClass"];
if (!_itemOk) exitWith { _treatmentEvent = "#fail"; }; // no item after delay
_healer removeItem _itemClassname;
if (_treatmentClass != "") then { _treatmentArgs set [2, _treatmentClass]; };
if ((_treatmentTarget == _target) && {(_treatmentEvent select [0, 1]) != "#"}) then {
[_treatmentEvent, _treatmentArgs, _target] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent;
INFO_4("%1->%2: %3 - %4",_healer,_target,_treatmentEvent,_treatmentArgs);
systemChat format ["Applying [%1->%2]: %3", _healer, _treatmentTarget, _treatmentEvent];
private _isMedic = [_healer] call EFUNC(medical_treatment,isMedic);
private _heartRate = GET_HEART_RATE(_target);
private _fractures = GET_FRACTURES(_target);
private _treatmentEvent = "#none";
private _treatmentArgs = [];
private _treatmentTime = 6;
private _treatmentItem = "";
switch (true) do {
case ((GET_WOUND_BLEEDING(_target) > 0)
&& {([_healer, "@bandage"] call FUNC(itemCheck)) # 0}): {
// Select first bleeding wound and bandage it
private _selection = "?";
private _foundBleeding = _y findIf {
_x params ["", "_amount", "_percentage"];
(_amount * _percentage) > 0
if (_foundBleeding != -1) exitWith { _selection = _x; };
} forEach GET_OPEN_WOUNDS(_target);
_treatmentEvent = QEGVAR(medical_treatment,bandageLocal);
_treatmentTime = 5;
_treatmentArgs = [_target, _selection, "FieldDressing"];
_treatmentItem = "@bandage";
case (IN_CRDC_ARRST(_target) && {EGVAR(medical_treatment,cprSuccessChanceMin) > 0}): {
_treatmentEvent = QEGVAR(medical_treatment,cprLocal);
_treatmentArgs = [_healer, _target];
_treatmentTime = 15;
&& {([_healer, "@iv"] call FUNC(itemCheck)) # 0}): {
// Check if patient's blood volume + remaining IV volume is enough to allow the patient to wake up
private _totalIvVolume = 0; //in ml
_x params ["_volumeRemaining"];
_totalIvVolume = _totalIvVolume + _volumeRemaining;
} forEach (_target getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,ivBags), []]);
if (GET_BLOOD_VOLUME(_target) + (_totalIvVolume / 1000) > MINIMUM_BLOOD_FOR_STABLE_VITALS) exitWith {
_treatmentEvent = "#waitForBlood";
_treatmentEvent = QEGVAR(medical_treatment,ivBagLocal);
_treatmentTime = 5;
_treatmentArgs = [_target, selectRandom ["leftarm", "rightarm", "leftleg", "rightleg"], "SalineIV"];
_treatmentItem = "@iv";
case ((count (_target getVariable [VAR_MEDICATIONS, []])) >= 6): {
_treatmentEvent = "#tooManyMeds";
case (((_fractures select 4) == 1)
&& {([_healer, "splint"] call FUNC(itemCheck)) # 0}): {
_treatmentEvent = QEGVAR(medical_treatment,splintLocal);
_treatmentTime = 6;
_treatmentArgs = [_healer, _target, "leftleg"];
_treatmentItem = "splint";
case (((_fractures select 5) == 1)
&& {([_healer, "splint"] call FUNC(itemCheck)) # 0}): {
_treatmentEvent = QEGVAR(medical_treatment,splintLocal);
_treatmentTime = 6;
_treatmentArgs = [_healer, _target, "rightleg"];
_treatmentItem = "splint";
case ((IS_UNCONSCIOUS(_target) || {_heartRate <= 50})
&& {([_healer, "epinephrine"] call FUNC(itemCheck)) # 0}): {
if (CBA_missionTime < (_target getVariable [QGVAR(nextEpinephrine), -1])) exitWith {
_treatmentEvent = "#waitForEpinephrineToTakeEffect";
if (_heartRate > 180) exitWith {
_treatmentEvent = "#waitForSlowerHeart";
_target setVariable [QGVAR(nextEpinephrine), CBA_missionTime + 10];
_treatmentEvent = QEGVAR(medical_treatment,medicationLocal);
_treatmentTime = 2.5;
_treatmentArgs = [_target, selectRandom ["leftarm", "rightarm", "leftleg", "rightleg"], "Epinephrine"];
_treatmentItem = "epinephrine";
case (((GET_PAIN_PERCEIVED(_target) > 0.25) || {_heartRate >= 180})
&& {([_healer, "morphine"] call FUNC(itemCheck)) # 0}): {
if (CBA_missionTime < (_target getVariable [QGVAR(nextMorphine), -1])) exitWith {
_treatmentEvent = "#waitForMorphineToTakeEffect";
if (_heartRate < 60) exitWith {
_treatmentEvent = "#waitForFasterHeart";
_target setVariable [QGVAR(nextMorphine), CBA_missionTime + 30];
_treatmentEvent = QEGVAR(medical_treatment,medicationLocal);
_treatmentTime = 2.5;
_treatmentArgs = [_target, selectRandom ["leftarm", "rightarm", "leftleg", "rightleg"], "Morphine"];
_treatmentItem = "morphine";
_healer setVariable [QGVAR(currentTreatment), [CBA_missionTime + _treatmentTime, _target, _treatmentEvent, _treatmentArgs, _treatmentItem]];
// Play animation
if ((_treatmentEvent select [0,1]) != "#") then {
private _treatmentClassname = _treatmentArgs select 2;
if (_treatmentEvent == QEGVAR(medical_treatment,splintLocal)) then { _treatmentClassname = "Splint" };
[_healer, _treatmentClassname, (_healer == _target)] call FUNC(playTreatmentAnim);
TRACE_4("treatment started",_treatmentTime,_target,_treatmentEvent,_treatmentArgs);
systemChat format ["Treatment [%1->%2]: %3", _healer, _target, _treatmentEvent];