mirror of https://github.com/acemod/ACE3.git synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00

100 lines
2.8 KiB

#define PRNG(number) (random (number)) //([_seedSeq, 0, number] call ace_sys_arty_fnc_prng)
#define DPICM_SPREAD 25
private["_roundSettings", "_roundData", "_seed", "_seedSeq", "_velocity", "_gVel", "_rv", "_pos"];
private["_p", "_vP", "_vH", "_vA", "_sMin", "_sMax", "_az", "_el", "_g"];
_shell = _this select 6;
_roundSettings = [];
_roundData = (_fireEHParams select 0) getVariable "ace_sys_arty_roundData";
if((_x select 0) == _shell) exitWith {
_roundSettings = _x;
} forEach _roundData;
_seed = 101;
if((count _roundSettings) > 0) then {
_seed = _roundSettings select 3;
_seedSeq = _seed call ace_sys_arty_fnc_randomSequence;
_velocity = velocity _shell;
if ((_velocity select 0) != 0 && {(_velocity select 1) != 0} && {(_velocity select 2) != 0}) then { // velocity not 0
_gVel = [_velocity,0.25] call ACE_fnc_vectorMultiply;
_rv = (3.6*sqrt((_gVel select 0)^2 + (_gVel select 1)^2 + (_gVel select 2)^2))*0.278;
_pos = getPos _shell;
_p = (_gVel call CBA_fnc_vect2Polar);
_vP = (abs(_p select 2)/90);
_vH = ((abs(_p select 2)/45) min 1);
_vA = 360*_vH*_vP;
_vA = (DPICM_SPREAD + _vA) mod 360;
_sMin = ((_vA)/2)*-1;
_sMax = (_vA);
for "_i" from 1 to 42 do {
_az = (_p select 1);
_az = _az + (_sMin + (PRNG(_sMax)));
if(_az < 0) then {
_az = _az + 360;
} else {
if(_az >= 360) then {
_az = _az - 360;
_el = (_p select 2);
_el = _el + (-20*1.5 + (PRNG(40)));
if(_el > 90) then {
_el = abs(_el - 180);
_az = (_az + 180) mod 360;
if(_el < -90) then {
_el = (_el + 180)*-1;
_az = (_az + 180) mod 360;
_v = [(_p select 0) + (-5 + (PRNG(10))), _az, _el] call CBA_fnc_polar2vect;
_g = "ace_arty_dpicm_m80" createVehicle [((_pos select 0) + PRNG(0.5)), ((_pos select 1) + PRNG(0.5)), ((_pos select 2) + PRNG(0.5))];
_g setVelocity _v;
//_g setVectorDir _v;
_g setPos [((_pos select 0) + PRNG(0.5)), ((_pos select 1) + PRNG(0.5)), ((_pos select 2) + PRNG(0.5))];
//_g setVelocity _v;
[_g, _marker] spawn {
private ["_bbb"];
_bbb = _this select 0;
_marker = _this select 1;
waitUntil {
if(alive _bbb) then {
drop ["\Ca\Data\Cl_basic","","Billboard",1,5,(getPos _bbb),[0,0,0],1,1.275,1.0,0.0,[1],[[1,0,0,1]],[0],0.0,2.0,"","",""];
_marker = createMarkerLocal [format["m%1", random(1000)+time], (getPos _bbb)];
_marker setMarkerTypeLocal "Dot";
_marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed";
_marker setMarkerSizeLocal [0.1, 0.1];
(!alive _bbb)
_marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorGreen";
_marker setMarkerSizeLocal [0.6, 0.6];