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* Author: Glowbal
* Handles the bandage of a patient.
* Arguments:
* 0: The target <OBJECT>
* 1: The impact <NUMBER>
* 2: Selection part number <NUMBER>
* 3: Injury index <NUMBER>
* 4: Injury <ARRAY>
* 5: Used Bandage type <STRING>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_className", "_reopeningChance", "_reopeningMinDelay", "_reopeningMaxDelay", "_config", "_woundTreatmentConfig", "_bandagedWounds", "_exist", "_injuryId", "_existingInjury", "_delay", "_openWounds", "_selectedInjury", "_bandagedInjury"];
params ["_target", "_impact", "_part", "_injuryIndex", "_injury", "_bandage"];
_classID = _injury select 1;
_className = GVAR(woundClassNames) select _classID;
// default, just in case..
_reopeningChance = 0.1;
_reopeningMinDelay = 120;
_reopeningMaxDelay = 200;
// Get the default values for the used bandage
_config = (ConfigFile >> "ACE_Medical_Advanced" >> "Treatment" >> "Bandaging");
if (isClass (_config >> _bandage)) then {
_config = (_config >> _bandage);
_reopeningChance = getNumber (_config >> "reopeningChance");
_reopeningMinDelay = getNumber (_config >> "reopeningMinDelay");
_reopeningMaxDelay = getNumber (_config >> "reopeningMaxDelay") max _reopeningMinDelay;
} else {
ACE_LOGWARNING_2("No config for bandage [%1] config base [%2]", _bandage, _config);
if (isClass (_config >> _className)) then {
_woundTreatmentConfig = (_config >> _className);
if (isNumber (_woundTreatmentConfig >> "reopeningChance")) then {
_reopeningChance = getNumber (_woundTreatmentConfig >> "reopeningChance");
if (isNumber (_woundTreatmentConfig >> "reopeningMinDelay")) then {
_reopeningMinDelay = getNumber (_woundTreatmentConfig >> "reopeningMinDelay");
if (isNumber (_woundTreatmentConfig >> "reopeningMaxDelay")) then {
_reopeningMaxDelay = getNumber (_woundTreatmentConfig >> "reopeningMaxDelay") max _reopeningMinDelay;
} else {
ACE_LOGWARNING_2("No config for wound type [%1] config base [%2]", _className, _config);
_bandagedWounds = _target getVariable [QGVAR(bandagedWounds), []];
_injuryType = _injury select 1;
_exist = false;
_bandagedInjury = [];
if ((_x select 1) == _injuryType && (_x select 2) == (_injury select 2)) exitwith {
_exist = true;
_existingInjury = _x;
_existingInjury set [3, (_existingInjury select 3) + _impact];
_bandagedWounds set [_foreachIndex, _existingInjury];
_bandagedInjury = _existingInjury;
} foreach _bandagedWounds;
if !(_exist) then {
// [ID, classID, bodypart, percentage treated, bloodloss rate]
_bandagedInjury = [_injury select 0, _injury select 1, _injury select 2, _impact, _injury select 4];
_bandagedWounds pushback _bandagedInjury;
_target setVariable [QGVAR(bandagedWounds), _bandagedWounds, true];
// Check if we are ever going to reopen this
if (random(1) <= _reopeningChance) then {
_delay = _reopeningMinDelay + random(_reopeningMaxDelay - _reopeningMinDelay);
TRACE_1("Will open",_delay);
private ["_bandage", "_openWounds", "_selectedInjury","_bandagedWounds","_exist"];
params ["_target", "_impact", "_part", "_injuryIndex", "_injury"];
//if (alive _target) then {
_openWounds = _target getVariable [QGVAR(openWounds), []];
if ((count _openWounds)-1 < _injuryIndex) exitwith {};
_selectedInjury = _openWounds select _injuryIndex;
if (_selectedInjury select 1 == _injury select 1 && (_selectedInjury select 2) == (_injury select 2)) then { // matching the IDs
_bandagedWounds = _target getVariable [QGVAR(bandagedWounds), []];
_exist = false;
_injuryId = _injury select 1;
if ((_x select 1) == _injuryId && (_x select 2) == (_injury select 2)) exitwith {
_exist = true;
_existingInjury = _x;
_existingInjury set [3, ((_existingInjury select 3) - _impact) max 0];
_bandagedWounds set [_foreachIndex, _existingInjury];
} foreach _bandagedWounds;
if (_exist) then {
TRACE_2("Reopening Wound",_bandagedWounds,_openWounds);
_selectedInjury set [3, (_selectedInjury select 3) + _impact];
_openWounds set [_injuryIndex, _selectedInjury];
_target setVariable [QGVAR(bandagedWounds), _bandagedWounds, true];
_target setVariable [QGVAR(openWounds), _openWounds, true];
// Otherwise something went wrong, we we don't reopen them..
}, [_target, _impact, _part, _injuryIndex, +_injury], _delay] call EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute);