mirror of https://github.com/acemod/ACE3.git synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
PabstMirror a3aef6a066
General - Cleanup spaces in macros ()
Co-authored-by: LinkIsGrim <salluci.lovi@gmail.com>
2024-02-05 14:04:24 -03:00

69 lines
2.6 KiB

#include "..\script_component.hpp"
* Author: PabstMirror
* Compatibility With ACE_CSW (will be called by ace_csw, no dependency)
* Setting Init has finished, and this runs before csw attempts to unload weapon, should replicate functionality of mk6_fnc_mortarInit
* Arguments:
* 0: static <OBJECT>
* 1: Turret <ARRAY>
* 2: current weapon <STRING>
* 3: need proxy weapon (either assembly mode is true, or weapon has been emptied and is being reloaded) <BOOL>
* Return Value:
* Proxy Weapon <STRING>
* Example:
* [mortar, "mortar_82mm", true] call ace_mk6mortar_fnc_csw_getProxyWeapon
* Public: No
params ["_mortar", "_turret", "_currentWeapon", "_proxyWeaponNeeded"];
private _newWeapon = "";
if (_proxyWeaponNeeded || GVAR(useAmmoHandling)) then {
if (_currentWeapon != "mortar_82mm") exitWith { ERROR_2("unknown weapon [%1 - %2]",typeOf _mortar,_currentWeapon); };
// Replace weapon with fast reloading version
_newWeapon = "ace_mortar_82mm";
TRACE_1("replacing weapon",_newWeapon);
// need to convert 8rnd mags to 1rnd mags for new weapon (we need to do this so the weapon is loaded with a compatible mag)
private _magsToRemove = [];
private _convertedMags = [];
_x params ["_xMag", "_xTurret", "_xAmmo"];
if (_xTurret isEqualTo _turret) then {
private _replaceMag = switch (true) do {
case (_xMag == "8Rnd_82mm_Mo_shells"): {"ACE_1Rnd_82mm_Mo_HE"};
case (_xMag == "8Rnd_82mm_Mo_Smoke_white"): {"ACE_1Rnd_82mm_Mo_Smoke"};
case (_xMag == "8Rnd_82mm_Mo_Flare_white"): {"ACE_1Rnd_82mm_Mo_Illum"};
case (_xMag == "8Rnd_82mm_Mo_guided"): {"ACE_1Rnd_82mm_Mo_HE_Guided"};
case (_xMag == "8Rnd_82mm_Mo_LG"): {"ACE_1Rnd_82mm_Mo_HE_LaserGuided"};
default {""};
if (_replaceMag != "") then {
_magsToRemove pushBackUnique [_xMag, _xTurret];
if (!GVAR(useAmmoHandling)) then {
for "_i" from 1 to _xAmmo do {
_convertedMags pushBack [_replaceMag, _xTurret, 1];
} else {
WARNING_1("unknown mag %1",_xMag);
} forEach (magazinesAllTurrets _mortar);
// remove orignal mags and add 1rnd versions:
{ _mortar removeMagazinesTurret _x; } forEach _magsToRemove;
{ _mortar addMagazineTurret _x; } forEach _convertedMags;