commy2 33602df517 Vector - New reticle using CBA scripted optics (#6981)
* vector IV updates

* vector IV updates

* compat cba optics and vector scripts

* hide periphery

* reticle texture for 7x magnification

* vector display config

* idc macros, fix illum mode

* add radblur effect when using optic

* hide zeroing control

* delete a broken config entry

* fix horizontal and vertical distance mode

* set REQUIRED_CBA_VERSION to 3.11.2
2019-05-27 10:46:07 -05:00

35 lines
870 B

#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: commy2
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* Array <ARRAY>
* Example:
* call ace_vector_fnc_getRelativeHeightLength
* Public: No
GVAR(pData) params ["_distanceP1", "_directionP1"];
_directionP1 params ["_azimuthP1", "_inclinationP1"];
private _distanceP2 = call FUNC(getDistance);
private _directionP2 = call FUNC(getDirection);
_directionP2 params ["_azimuthP2", "_inclinationP2"];
if (_distanceP1 < -999 || {_distanceP2 < -999}) exitWith {
[-1000, -1000] // return
private _position1 = [_distanceP1, _azimuthP1, _inclinationP1] call CBA_fnc_polar2vect;
private _position2 = [_distanceP2, _azimuthP2, _inclinationP2] call CBA_fnc_polar2vect;
private _length = _position1 distance2D _position2;
private _height = abs ((_position1 vectorDiff _position2) select 2);
[_height, _length]