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* Author: commy2
* Return current state of the weapon. Attachments and magazines with ammo.
* Argument:
* 0: A unit (Object)
* 1: A weapon (String)
* Return value:
* Weapon info, format: [attachments, muzzles, magazines, ammo] (Array)
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_unit", "_weapon"];
_unit = _this select 0;
_weapon = _this select 1;
private "_muzzles";
_muzzles = [_weapon] call FUNC(getWeaponMuzzles);
private "_weaponInfo";
_weaponInfo = [];
switch (_weapon) do {
case (primaryWeapon _unit): {
_weaponInfo pushBack primaryWeaponItems _unit;
case (secondaryWeapon _unit): {
_weaponInfo pushBack secondaryWeaponItems _unit;
case (handgunWeapon _unit): {
_weaponInfo pushBack handgunItems _unit;
default {
_weaponInfo pushBack ["","","",""];
// get loaded magazines and ammo
private ["_magazines", "_ammo"];
_magazines = [];
_ammo = [];
_magazines pushBack "";
_ammo pushBack 0;
} forEach _muzzles;
if (_x select 2) then {
private "_index";
_index = _muzzles find (_x select 4);
if (_index != -1) then {
_magazines set [_index, _x select 0];
_ammo set [_index, _x select 1];
} forEach magazinesAmmoFull _unit;
_weaponInfo append [_muzzles, _magazines, _ammo];