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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
* advanced_ballistics * advanced_fatigue * advanced_throwing * ai * aircraft * arsenal * atragmx * attach * backpacks * ballistics * captives * cargo * chemlights * common * concertina_wire * cookoff * dagr * disarming * disposable * dogtags * dragging * explosives * fastroping * fcs * finger * frag * gestures * gforces * goggles * grenades * gunbag * hearing * hitreactions * huntir * interact_menu * interaction * inventory * kestrel4500 * laser * laserpointer * logistics_uavbattery * logistics_wirecutter * magazinerepack * map * map_gestures * maptools * markers * medical * medical_ai * medical_blood * medical_menu * microdagr * minedetector * missileguidance * missionmodules * mk6mortar * modules * movement * nametags * nightvision * nlaw * optics * optionsmenu * overheating * overpressure * parachute * pylons * quickmount * rangecard * rearm * recoil * refuel * reload * reloadlaunchers * repair * respawn * safemode * sandbag * scopes * slideshow * spectator * spottingscope * switchunits * tacticalladder * tagging * trenches * tripod * ui * vector * vehiclelock * vehicles * viewdistance * weaponselect * weather * winddeflection * yardage450 * zeus * arsenal defines.hpp * optionals * DEBUG_MODE_FULL 1 * DEBUG_MODE_FULL 2 * Manual fixes * Add SQF Validator check for #include after block comment * explosives fnc_openTimerUI * fix uniqueItems
151 lines
6.8 KiB
151 lines
6.8 KiB
#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: PabstMirror
* Handles player getting into new vehicle. Loads PFEG for mortar display if it is a mortar.
* Arguments:
* 0: Player <OBJECT>
* 1: New Vehicle <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [bob, mortar] call ace_mk6mortar_fnc_handlePlayerVehicleChanged;
* Public: No
params ["_player", "_newVehicle"];
if (isNull _newVehicle) exitWith {};
if (!(_newVehicle isKindOf "Mortar_01_base_F")) exitWith {};
// Run magazine handling initialization if enabled
if (!(_newVehicle getVariable [QGVAR(initialized),false]) && !(_newVehicle getVariable [QGVAR(exclude),false])) then {
// Make sure that mortar init is executed after settings init
params ["_mortar"];
if (GVAR(useAmmoHandling) && {!(_mortar getVariable [QGVAR(initialized),false]) && !(_mortar getVariable [QGVAR(exclude),false])}) then {
//wait for proper turret locality change
["ace_initMortar", [_this], [_this]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;
}, _mortar, 0.05] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;
}, _newVehicle] call EFUNC(common,runAfterSettingsInit);
private _tubeWeaponName = (weapons _newVehicle) select 0;
private _fireModes = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _tubeWeaponName >> "modes");
//Restore last firemode:
private _lastFireMode = _newVehicle getVariable [QGVAR(lastFireMode), -1];
if (_lastFireMode != -1) then {
_player action ["SwitchWeapon", _newVehicle, _player, _lastFireMode];
params ["_args", "_pfID"];
_args params ["_mortarVeh", "_fireModes"];
if ((vehicle ACE_player) != _mortarVeh) then {
[_pfID] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
} else {
private _useMils = _mortarVeh getVariable [QGVAR(useMils), true];
//Compute: 'charge' from weaponstate
private _currentFireMode = (weaponState [_mortarVeh, [0]]) select 2;
private _currentChargeMode = _fireModes find _currentFireMode;
//Save firemode on vehicle:
_mortarVeh setVariable [QGVAR(lastFireMode), _currentChargeMode];
if (shownArtilleryComputer && {!GVAR(allowComputerRangefinder)}) then {
//Don't like this solution, but it works
closeDialog 0;
[parseText "Computer Disabled"] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);
private _display = uiNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Mk6_RscWeaponRangeArtillery", displayNull];
if (isNull _display) exitWith {}; //It may be null for the first frame
private _chargeText = format ["<t size='0.8'>%1: %2 <img image='%3'/></t>", (localize LSTRING(rangetable_charge)), _currentChargeMode, QPATHTOF(UI\ui_charges.paa)];
//Hud should hidden in 3rd person
private _notGunnerView = cameraView != "GUNNER";
//Calc real azimuth/elevation
//(looking at the sky VS looking at ground will radicaly change fire direction because BIS)
private _realAzimuth = -1;
private _realElevation = -1;
private _useRealWeaponDir = (ctrlText (_display displayCtrl 173)) == "--";
if (_useRealWeaponDir && {(_mortarVeh ammo (currentWeapon _mortarVeh)) == 0}) then {
// With no ammo, distance display will be empty, but gun will still fire at wonky angle if aimed at ground
private _testSeekerPosASL = AGLtoASL (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0]);
private _testSeekerDir = _testSeekerPosASL vectorFromTo (AGLtoASL (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,1]));
private _testPoint = _testSeekerPosASL vectorAdd (_testSeekerDir vectorMultiply viewDistance);
if ((terrainIntersectASL [_testSeekerPosASL, _testPoint]) || {lineIntersects [_testSeekerPosASL, _testPoint]}) then {
_useRealWeaponDir = false; // If we are not looking at infinity (based on viewDistance)
if (_useRealWeaponDir) then {
//No range (looking at sky), it will follow weaponDir:
private _weaponDir = _mortarVeh weaponDirection (currentWeapon _mortarVeh);
_realAzimuth = (_weaponDir select 0) atan2 (_weaponDir select 1);
_realElevation = asin (_weaponDir select 2);
} else {
//Valid range, will fire at camera dir
private _lookVector = ((positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0]) call EFUNC(common,positionToASL)) vectorFromTo ((positionCameraToWorld [0,0,10]) call EFUNC(common,positionToASL));
_realAzimuth = ((_lookVector select 0) atan2 (_lookVector select 1));
private _upVectorDir = (((vectorUp _mortarVeh) select 0) atan2 ((vectorUp _mortarVeh) select 1));
private _elevationDiff = (cos (_realAzimuth - _upVectorDir)) * acos ((vectorUp _mortarVeh) select 2);
_realElevation = ((180 / PI) * (_mortarVeh animationPhase "mainGun")) + 75 - _elevationDiff;
//Update Heading Display:
if (_notGunnerView || (!GVAR(allowCompass))) then {
(_display displayCtrl 80156) ctrlSetText "";
} else {
if (_useMils) then {
(_display displayCtrl 80156) ctrlSetText str (((round (_realAzimuth * 6400 / 360)) + 6400) % 6400);
} else {
(_display displayCtrl 80156) ctrlSetText str ((round (_realAzimuth + 360)) % 360);
//Update CurrentElevation Display and "charge" text
if (_notGunnerView) then {
(_display displayCtrl 80085) ctrlSetStructuredText parseText "";
(_display displayCtrl 80175) ctrlSetText "";
} else {
(_display displayCtrl 80085) ctrlSetStructuredText parseText _chargeText;
if (_useMils) then {
(_display displayCtrl 80175) ctrlSetText str ((round (_realElevation * 6400 / 360)) % 6400);
} else {
(_display displayCtrl 80175) ctrlSetText str (((round (_realElevation * 100)) / 100) % 360);
//Update ElevationNeeded Display:
if (_notGunnerView || (!GVAR(allowComputerRangefinder))) then {
(_display displayCtrl 80176) ctrlSetText "";
} else {
private _elevDeg = parseNumber ctrlText (_display displayCtrl 176);
if (_elevDeg <= 0) then { //Bad data means "----" out of range
(_display displayCtrl 80176) ctrlSetText (ctrlText (_display displayCtrl 176));
} else {
_elevDeg = _elevDeg + (_realElevation - (parseNumber ctrlText (_display displayCtrl 175)));
if (_useMils) then {
(_display displayCtrl 80176) ctrlSetText str round ((round (_elevDeg * 6400 / 360)) % 6400);
} else {
(_display displayCtrl 80176) ctrlSetText str (((round (_elevDeg * 100)) / 100) % 360);
}, 0, [_newVehicle, _fireModes]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;