2023-12-23 10:50:56 +01:00

75 lines
3.2 KiB

#include "..\script_component.hpp"
* Author: PabstMirror, tcvm
* Tests if unit can load a magazine into a CSW.
* Arguments:
* 1: Turret Path <ARRAY>
* 2: Carryable Magazine <STRING>
* 3: Supplier <OBJECT> (default: objNull)
* Return Value:
* [Can Load <BOOL>, Loaded Mag <STRING>, Ammo Needed <NUMBER>, Is Belt Linking <BOOL>] <ARRAY>
* Example:
* [cursorObject, [0], "ACE_csw_100Rnd_127x99_mag_red", player] call ace_csw_fnc_reload_canLoadMagazine
* Public: No
params ["_vehicle", "_turret", "_carryMag", ["_magSource", objNull]];
private _return = [false, "", -2, false];
// Handle disassembled or deleted
if !(alive _vehicle) exitWith {TRACE_1("not alive",_vehicle); _return};
scopeName "main";
// objNull as mag source means we can skip these checks: used to just get magazine info to load in turret
if !(isNull _magSource) then {
// Verify holder has carry magazine
if !(_carryMag in (magazineCargo _magSource)) exitWith {TRACE_3("no carry mag",_magSource,_carryMag,magazineCargo _magSource); _return breakOut "main"};
// Verify holder has not moved away from vehicle, with workaround for containers within containers
if ((_vehicle distance _magSource) > 5 && {(_vehicle distance (objectParent _magSource)) > 5}) exitWith {TRACE_1("too far",""); _return breakOut "main"};
// solve config lookups
private _cfgMagazines = configFile >> "CfgMagazines";
private _cfgMagazinesCarryMag = _cfgMagazines >> _carryMag;
private _cfgGroupsCarryMag = configFile >> QGVAR(groups) >> _carryMag;
private _desiredAmmo = getNumber (configOf _vehicle >> QUOTE(ADDON) >> "desiredAmmo");
if (_desiredAmmo == 0) then { _desiredAmmo = 100; };
private _ammoNeeded = _desiredAmmo min getNumber (_cfgMagazinesCarryMag >> "count"); // assume it needs full carry mag
private _loadedMag = "";
private _isBeltLinking = false;
_x params ["_xMag", "_xTurret", "_xAmmo"];
if (_xTurret isEqualTo _turret) then {
if (_loadedMag != "") exitWith { [false, _loadedMag, -3, false] breakOut "main"; }; // Exit if static has multiple mags
_loadedMag = _xMag;
if (_xAmmo > 0) then {
// There is a magazine with ammo loaded in the turret (are there any multi-muzzle static weapons??), see if we can add to this mag
if (getNumber (_cfgGroupsCarryMag >> _xMag) != 1) exitWith {
[false, _loadedMag, -4, false] breakOut "main"; // Carry mag cannot be added to existing vehicle mag (e.g. red to green tracers)
if (getNumber (_cfgMagazinesCarryMag >> "ACE_isBelt") == 0) exitWith {
[false, _loadedMag, -5, false] breakOut "main"; // Non-linkable mag loaded, can't add any more
private _maxMagazineAmmo = _desiredAmmo min getNumber (_cfgMagazines >> _xMag >> "count");
if (_xAmmo >= _maxMagazineAmmo) exitWith {
[false, _loadedMag, -6, false] breakOut "main"; // Already at capacity
_ammoNeeded = _maxMagazineAmmo - _xAmmo;
_isBeltLinking = true;
} forEach (magazinesAllTurrets _vehicle);
[true, _loadedMag, _ammoNeeded, _isBeltLinking]