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#include "..\script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
* Author: Alganthe, johnb43, LinkIsGrim
* Fills left panel.
* Arguments:
* 0: Arsenal display <DISPLAY>
* 1: Tab control <CONTROL>
* 2: Animate panel refresh <BOOL>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
params ["_display", "_control", ["_animate", true]];
private _ctrlIDC = ctrlIDC _control;
private _ctrlPanel = _display displayCtrl IDC_leftTabContent;
private _idxVirt = GVAR(idxMap) getOrDefault [_ctrlIDC, -1, true];
// Fade old control background
if (!isNil QGVAR(currentLeftPanel)) then {
private _previousCtrlBackground = _display displayCtrl (GVAR(currentLeftPanel) - 1);
_previousCtrlBackground ctrlSetFade 1;
_previousCtrlBackground ctrlCommit ([0, FADE_DELAY] select _animate);
// When switching tabs, clear searchbox
if (GVAR(currentLeftPanel) != _ctrlIDC) then {
(_display displayCtrl IDC_leftSearchbar) ctrlSetText "";
(_display displayCtrl IDC_rightSearchbar) ctrlSetText "";
// Show new control background
private _ctrlBackground = _display displayCtrl (_ctrlIDC - 1);
_ctrlBackground ctrlSetFade 0;
_ctrlBackground ctrlCommit ([0, FADE_DELAY] select _animate);
// Force a "refresh" animation of the panel
if (_animate) then {
_ctrlPanel ctrlSetFade 1;
_ctrlPanel ctrlCommit 0;
_ctrlPanel ctrlSetFade 0;
_ctrlPanel ctrlCommit FADE_DELAY;
_ctrlPanel lbSetCurSel -1;
// Purge old data
lbClear _ctrlPanel;
// For every left tab except faces and voices, add "Empty" entry
if !(_ctrlIDC in [IDC_buttonFace, IDC_buttonVoice]) then {
private _addEmpty = _ctrlPanel lbAdd format [" <%1>", localize "str_empty"];
_ctrlPanel lbSetValue [_addEmpty, -1];
// Don't reset the current right panel for weapons, binos and containers
GVAR(currentRightPanel) = nil;
GVAR(currentLeftPanel) = _ctrlIDC;
// Add items to the listbox
private _selectedItem = if (_idxVirt != -1) then { // Items
private _configParent = switch (_idxVirt) do {
case IDX_VIRT_GOGGLES: {"CfgGlasses"};
case IDX_VIRT_BACKPACK: {"CfgVehicles"};
default {"CfgWeapons"};
private _items = if (_idxVirt < IDX_VIRT_HEADGEAR) then {
keys ((GVAR(virtualItems) get IDX_VIRT_WEAPONS) get _idxVirt)
} else {
keys (GVAR(virtualItems) get _idxVirt)
[_configParent, _x, _ctrlPanel] call FUNC(addListBoxItem);
} forEach _items;
GVAR(currentItems) select _idxVirt
} else { // Special cases
switch (_ctrlIDC) do {
// Faces
case IDC_buttonFace: {
private _lbAdd = -1; // micro-optimization
// Faces need to be added like this because their config path is
// configFile >> "CfgFaces" >> face category >> className
_y params ["_displayName", "_modPicture"];
_lbAdd = _ctrlPanel lbAdd _displayName;
_ctrlPanel lbSetData [_lbAdd, _x];
_ctrlPanel lbSetTooltip [_lbAdd, format ["%1\n%2", _displayName, _x]];
_ctrlPanel lbSetPictureRight [_lbAdd, ["", _modPicture] select GVAR(enableModIcons)];
} forEach GVAR(faceCache); // HashMap, not array
// Voices
case IDC_buttonVoice: {
["CfgVoice", _x, _ctrlPanel, "icon"] call FUNC(addListBoxItem);
} forEach (keys GVAR(voiceCache));
// Insignia
case IDC_buttonInsignia: {
["CfgUnitInsignia", _x, _ctrlPanel, "texture", _y] call FUNC(addListBoxItem);
} forEach GVAR(insigniaCache);
// Unknown
default {
WARNING_1("Unknown arsenal left panel with IDC %1, update ace_arsenal_idxMap and relevant macros if adding a new tab",_ctrlIDC);
// Trigger event
[QGVAR(leftPanelFilled), [_display, _ctrlIDC, GVAR(currentRightPanel)]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
// Sort
[_display, _control, _display displayCtrl IDC_sortLeftTab, _display displayCtrl IDC_sortLeftTabDirection] call FUNC(fillSort);
// Try to select previously selected item again, otherwise select first item ("Empty")
if (_selectedItem != "") then {
private _index = 0;
for "_lbIndex" from 0 to (lbSize _ctrlPanel) - 1 do {
if ((_ctrlPanel lbData _lbIndex) == _selectedItem) exitWith {
_index = _lbIndex;
_ctrlPanel lbSetCurSel _index;
} else {
_ctrlPanel lbSetCurSel 0;