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2015-05-08 17:20:56 +02:00

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* Author: Ruthberg
* Calculates the muzzle velocity shift caused by different barrel lengths
* Arguments:
* 0: barrel length - mm
* 1: muzzle velocity lookup table - m/s <ARRAY>
* 2: barrel length lookup table - mm <ARRAY>
* 3: muzzle velocity - m/s <NUMBER>
* Return Value:
* 0: muzzle velocity shift - m/s <NUMBER>
* Return value:
* None
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_barrelLength", "_muzzleVelocityTable", "_barrelLengthTable", "_muzzleVelocity", "_lowerIndex", "_upperIndex", "_barrelLengthRatio", "_muzzleVelocityNew"];
_barrelLength = _this select 0;
_muzzleVelocityTable = _this select 1;
_barrelLengthTable = _this select 2;
_muzzleVelocity = _this select 3;
if (_barrelLength == 0) exitWith { 0 };
if (count _muzzleVelocityTable != count _barrelLengthTable) exitWith { 0 };
if (count _muzzleVelocityTable == 0 || count _barrelLengthTable == 0) exitWith { 0 };
if (count _muzzleVelocityTable == 1) exitWith { (_muzzleVelocityTable select 0) - _muzzleVelocity };
_lowerIndex = 0;
_upperIndex = (count _barrelLengthTable) - 1;
if (_barrelLength <= (_barrelLengthTable select _lowerIndex)) exitWith { (_muzzleVelocityTable select _lowerIndex) - _muzzleVelocity };
if (_barrelLength >= (_barrelLengthTable select _upperIndex)) exitWith { (_muzzleVelocityTable select _upperIndex) - _muzzleVelocity };
for "_i" from 0 to (count _barrelLengthTable) - 1 do {
if (_barrelLength >= _barrelLengthTable select _i) then {
_lowerIndex = _i;
for "_i" from (count _barrelLengthTable) - 1 to 0 step -1 do {
if (_barrelLength <= _barrelLengthTable select _i) then {
_upperIndex = _i;
_barrelLengthRatio = 0;
if ((_barrelLengthTable select _upperIndex) - (_barrelLengthTable select _lowerIndex) > 0) then {
_barrelLengthRatio = ((_barrelLengthTable select _upperIndex) - _barrelLength) / ((_barrelLengthTable select _upperIndex) - (_barrelLengthTable select _lowerIndex));
_muzzleVelocityNew = (_muzzleVelocityTable select _lowerIndex) + ((_muzzleVelocityTable select _upperIndex) - (_muzzleVelocityTable select _lowerIndex)) * (1 - _barrelLengthRatio);
_muzzleVelocityNew - _muzzleVelocity