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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
* Dragon work cleanup remove unused p3ds add pos_gunner_dir/pos_gunner to static add [csw] prefix to arsenal version add sight interaction icons * Update fnc_staticWeaponInit_unloadExtraMags.sqf * ace_rearm compat allows pulling carry mags out of rearm trucks * Update fnc_ai_handleFired.sqf * Re-add 3den attributes * cleanup and move A2 staticweapon strings to ace_csw
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49 lines
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#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: PabstMirror
* Gets a non-ambigious display name for a magazine using displayNameShort (AP/HE)
* Arguments:
* 0: Magazine Classname <STRING>
* Return Value:
* Display Name <STRING>
* Example:
* ["B_20mm_AP"] call ace_rearm_fnc_getMagazineName
* Public: No
params ["_className"];
private _magName = GVAR(magazineNameCache) getVariable _className;
if (isNil "_magName") then {
private _displayName = getText(configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _className >> "displayName");
if (_displayName == "") then {
_displayName = _className;
WARNING_1("Magazine is missing display name [%1]",_className);
if ((_displayName select [0,6]) == "[CSW] ") then { _displayName = _displayName select [6]; };
GVAR(magazineNameCache) setVariable [_className, _displayName];
GVAR(originalMagazineNames) pushBack _displayName;
TRACE_2("Adding to cache",_className,_displayName);
// go through all existing cache entries and update if there now are duplicates
private _xMagName = GVAR(magazineNameCache) getVariable _x;
if ((_xMagName == _displayName) && {({_xMagName == _x} count GVAR(originalMagazineNames)) > 1}) then {
private _xMagName = format ["%1: %2", _displayName, getText(configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x >> "displayNameShort")];
GVAR(magazineNameCache) setVariable [_x, _xMagName];
TRACE_2("Using unique name",_x,_xMagName);
} forEach (allVariables GVAR(magazineNameCache));
_magName = GVAR(magazineNameCache) getVariable _className;