mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
* advanced_ballistics * advanced_fatigue * advanced_throwing * ai * aircraft * arsenal * atragmx * attach * backpacks * ballistics * captives * cargo * chemlights * common * concertina_wire * cookoff * dagr * disarming * disposable * dogtags * dragging * explosives * fastroping * fcs * finger * frag * gestures * gforces * goggles * grenades * gunbag * hearing * hitreactions * huntir * interact_menu * interaction * inventory * kestrel4500 * laser * laserpointer * logistics_uavbattery * logistics_wirecutter * magazinerepack * map * map_gestures * maptools * markers * medical * medical_ai * medical_blood * medical_menu * microdagr * minedetector * missileguidance * missionmodules * mk6mortar * modules * movement * nametags * nightvision * nlaw * optics * optionsmenu * overheating * overpressure * parachute * pylons * quickmount * rangecard * rearm * recoil * refuel * reload * reloadlaunchers * repair * respawn * safemode * sandbag * scopes * slideshow * spectator * spottingscope * switchunits * tacticalladder * tagging * trenches * tripod * ui * vector * vehiclelock * vehicles * viewdistance * weaponselect * weather * winddeflection * yardage450 * zeus * arsenal defines.hpp * optionals * DEBUG_MODE_FULL 1 * DEBUG_MODE_FULL 2 * Manual fixes * Add SQF Validator check for #include after block comment * explosives fnc_openTimerUI * fix uniqueItems
245 lines
8.1 KiB
245 lines
8.1 KiB
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
* Author: Alganthe
* Handles the stats control group
* Arguments:
* 0: Arsenal display <DISPLAY>
* 1: Current panel control <CONTROL>
* 2: Current panel selection <SCALAR>
* 3: Item config entry <CONFIG>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
params ["_display", "_control", "_curSel", "_itemCfg"];
private _statsBoxCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_statsBox;
private _statsPreviousPageCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_statsPreviousPage;
private _statsNextPageCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_statsNextPage;
private _statsCurrentPageCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_statsCurrentPage;
private _hideUnusedFnc = {
params ["_numbers"];
private _statsTitleCtrl = _display displayCtrl (5101 + ((_x - 1) * 4));
private _statsTitleIDC = ctrlIDC _statsTitleCtrl;
private _statsBackgroundCtrl = _display displayCtrl (_statsTitleIDC + 1);
private _statsBarCtrl = _display displayCtrl (_statsTitleIDC + 2);
private _statsTextCtrl = _display displayCtrl (_statsTitleIDC + 3);
_x ctrlSetFade 1;
_x ctrlCommit 0;
} forEach [
} forEach _numbers;
if !(isNil "_itemCfg") then {
private _handleStatsFnc = {
params ["_statsIndex", "_leftPanel"];
// Get the proper list and page
if (_leftPanel) then {
[true, (GVAR(statsListLeftPanel)) select _statsIndex, GVAR(statsPagesLeft) select _statsIndex]
} else {
[false, (GVAR(statsListRightPanel)) select _statsIndex, GVAR(statsPagesRight) select _statsIndex]
} params ["_isLeftPanel", "_statsArray", "_currentPage"];
private _statsList = _statsArray select _currentPage;
private _statsCount = 0;
// Handle titles, bars and text
_statsList = _statsList select [0, 5];
if !(_statsList isEqualTo []) then {
_x params ["_ID", "_configEntry", "_title", "_bools", "_statements"];
_bools params ["_showBar", "_showText"];
_statements params [["_barStatement", {}, [{}]], ["_textStatement", {}, [{}]], ["_condition", {true}, [{}]]];
private _statsTitleCtrl = _display displayCtrl (5101 + _forEachIndex * 4);
private _statsTitleIDC = ctrlIDC _statsTitleCtrl;
private _statsBackgroundCtrl = _display displayCtrl (_statsTitleIDC + 1);
private _statsBarCtrl = _display displayCtrl (_statsTitleIDC + 2);
private _statsTextCtrl = _display displayCtrl (_statsTitleIDC + 3);
_statsCount = _statsCount + 1;
_statsTitleCtrl ctrlSetText _title;
_statsTitleCtrl ctrlSetFade 0;
// Handle bars
if (_showBar) then {
_statsBarCtrl progressSetPosition ([_configEntry, _itemCfg] call _barStatement);
_statsBackgroundCtrl ctrlSetFade 0;
_statsBarCtrl ctrlSetFade 0;
} else {
_statsBackgroundCtrl ctrlSetFade 1;
_statsBarCtrl ctrlSetFade 1;
// Handle text entries
if (_showText) then {
private _textStatementResult = [_configEntry, _itemCfg] call _textStatement;
if (_textStatementResult isEqualtype "") then {
_statsTextCtrl ctrlSetText _textStatementResult;
} else {
_statsTextCtrl ctrlSetText (str _textStatementResult);
_statsTextCtrl ctrlSetTextColor ([[1,1,1,1], [0,0,0,1]] select (_showBar));
_statsTextCtrl ctrlSetFade 0;
} else {
_statsTextCtrl ctrlSetFade 1;
_x ctrlCommit 0;
} forEach [
} forEach (_statsList select {
_x params ["_ID","_configEntry", "_title", "_bools", "_statements"];
_statements params [["_barStatement", {}, [{}]], ["_textStatement", {}, [{}]], ["_condition", {true}, [{}]]];
([_configEntry, _itemCfg] call _condition)
// Resize the window
[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] select [_statsCount, 5]] call _hideUnusedFnc;
_statsBoxCtrl ctrlSetPosition [
(0.5 - WIDTH_TOTAL / 2) + WIDTH_GAP,
safezoneY + 1.8 * GRID_H,
47 * GRID_W,
([11, (10 * _statsCount) + 5] select (_statsCount > 0)) * GRID_H
_statsBoxCtrl ctrlCommit 0;
GVAR(statsInfo) = [_isLeftPanel, _statsIndex, _control, _curSel, _itemCfg];
// Toggle page buttons
_statsPreviousPageCtrl ctrlEnable !(_currentPage == 0);
_statsNextPageCtrl ctrlEnable !(_currentPage + 1 >= count _statsArray);
_statsCurrentPageCtrl ctrlSetText ([localize LSTRING(page), str (_currentPage + 1)] joinString " ");
_x ctrlSetFade 0;
_x ctrlCommit 0;
} forEach [
if (ctrlIDC _control == IDC_leftTabContent) then {
if ([IDC_buttonFace, IDC_buttonVoice, IDC_buttonInsigna] find GVAR(currentLeftPanel) > -1) then {
[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]] call _hideUnusedFnc;
_statsBoxCtrl ctrlSetPosition [
(0.5 - WIDTH_TOTAL / 2) + WIDTH_GAP,
safezoneY + 1.8 * GRID_H,
47 * GRID_W,
11 * GRID_H
_statsBoxCtrl ctrlCommit 0;
_x ctrlSetFade 1;
_x ctrlCommit 0;
} forEach [
} else {
] find GVAR(currentLeftPanel), true] call _handleStatsFnc;
} else {
switch (GVAR(currentRightPanel)) do {
case IDC_buttonOptic: {
[0, false] call _handleStatsFnc;
case IDC_buttonItemAcc: {
[1, false] call _handleStatsFnc;
case IDC_buttonMuzzle: {
[2, false] call _handleStatsFnc;
case IDC_buttonBipod: {
[3, false] call _handleStatsFnc;
case IDC_buttonCurrentMag;
case IDC_buttonCurrentMag2;
case IDC_buttonMag;
case IDC_buttonMagALL: {
[4, false] call _handleStatsFnc;
case IDC_buttonThrow: {
[5, false] call _handleStatsFnc;
case IDC_buttonPut: {
[6, false] call _handleStatsFnc;
case IDC_buttonMisc: {
[7, false] call _handleStatsFnc;
} else {
[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]] call _hideUnusedFnc;
_statsBoxCtrl ctrlSetPosition [
(0.5 - WIDTH_TOTAL / 2) + WIDTH_GAP,
safezoneY + 1.8 * GRID_H,
47 * GRID_W,
11 * GRID_H
_statsBoxCtrl ctrlCommit 0;
_x ctrlSetFade 1;
_x ctrlCommit 0;
} forEach [